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The Titans [US Team]

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Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft Username? somers27
What region are you applying for? US
Age? 14
Wins? 1200+ on all alts(not including that MCAlts.com scam, all legit, won them myself, if i did include those I would have put 1800+)
Do you have a microphone? Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak and Skype? Yes
Skype Name? (PM me if you don't want to post it) bren.somerville42
How often have you teamed with members of the clan? Not really ever, but pls give me a chance
How much time do you spend a week playing with the clan? I can be on all tuesday and thursday after school, mon.,and wed. I can get on after 8 my time, because of soccer (mountain), friday same thing but I can stay up later, sat and sunday I can play all day after like noon because of soccer so like i'd rate myself 8/10
What clans have you been in previously? cyanvolts, organizaiton, and some bk clans. but I swear i'm good in scrims and battles.
What are your PvP strengths and weaknesses? Strengths: I'm not an animal at anything but i'm good with everything. so i'm an over player and i can play defensive and offenceive.
What has been your greatest challenge in MCSG? Getting good and ignoring my IRl friends lol
DO YOU LOVE PUPPIES? More than anything in the world... I have 2 of my own actually :D
Recommended. Excellent pvper and great person all around. He won't disappoint you.
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