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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Name: E
Minecraft IGN: Edog786
Age: 13
Skype name: edog786
Teamspeak: Yessir
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 2136
Games Played: 8000
How active are you 1/10: 10
How mature are you 1/10: 6.9
Past clans: Rebels Forgotten, Titans
Why do you want to join The Rival: Ur hawt.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband:
How would you help this clan: By contributing swag.
Tell us more about yourself: I liek cats.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yessir.
Surprised you would apply after some of us were targeting you. (Not me don't beat me up plz)


Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Austin
Minecraft IGN: sabertee
Age: 14
Skype name: baseballplayer1221
Teamspeak: yes
Donor: yes diamond
Wins: 95
Games Played: 327
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Past clans: #Divine #React
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to join because I know some of the members and this looks like a strong pvp clan.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yaasss
How would you help this clan: I would help by being active as much as I could and listen to what any leaders tell me.
Tell us more about yourself: I am a baseball player and I live in EST time.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Not yet, but would love to.


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Austin
Minecraft IGN: sabertee
Age: 14
Skype name: baseballplayer1221
Teamspeak: yes
Donor: yes diamond
Wins: 95
Games Played: 327
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Past clans: #Divine #React
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to join because I know some of the members and this looks like a strong pvp clan.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yaasss
How would you help this clan: I would help by being active as much as I could and listen to what any leaders tell me.
Tell us more about yourself: I am a baseball player and I live in EST time.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Not yet, but would love to.
Accepted as Trial-Member! Be active on the teamspeak for a chance on becoming full member!


Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
Please put me on break cf918 . I have talked with the leaders about my vacation and I will hopefully talk to all of you soon.


Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
Name: E
Minecraft IGN: Edog786
Age: 13
Skype name: edog786
Teamspeak: Yessir
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 2136
Games Played: 8000
How active are you 1/10: 10
How mature are you 1/10: 6.9
Past clans: Rebels Forgotten, Titans
Why do you want to join The Rival: Ur hawt.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband:
How would you help this clan: By contributing swag.
Tell us more about yourself: I liek cats.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yessir.


Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:cmaaldeibson
Age:11-obviously all of you know I don't meet the age requirement.
Skype name: calebclevelanderson
Teamspeak: cmaaldeibson
Donor: Yes, I have diamond
Games Played: around 5050 ( I really have no excuse besides playing with the great people in this clan I really have no chance of winning ever.)
How active are you 1/10: 7
How mature are you 1/10:7
Past clans:Reflection, Rival, Rival, Rival.
Why do you want to join The Rival:Because I believe that this clan is a great clan and is destined for great things. I love this clan so much, I just wish that I would have made a better impression, and though I may be young, and immature, I can always improve. Also I'm sorry Justice, Connor, Sports, Bcuz, those of you who ridicule me, I still have always been taught to love everybody, so though you may not love me, even like me, I will always love all of you. I apologize for all of the things that may have made me annoy you, And I will try to get better.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Of course.
How would you help this clan: As all of you know, that I would help in no way relating to PvP. Hopefully I can improve. I will probably get a new computer by the end of this year. That will triple my PvP skill.
Tell us more about yourself: I like Honey Buns
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I know every last person in this clan, though not all of them may like me, I still know all of them.
Thank you for reading this application, and I hope you can accept my apology, and if you don't, I deserve it. Thank you.


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:cmaaldeibson
Age:11-obviously all of you know I don't meet the age requirement.
Skype name: calebclevelanderson
Teamspeak: cmaaldeibson
Donor: Yes, I have diamond
Games Played: around 5050 ( I really have no excuse besides playing with the great people in this clan I really have no chance of winning ever.)
How active are you 1/10: 7
How mature are you 1/10:7
Past clans:Reflection, Rival, Rival, Rival.
Why do you want to join The Rival:Because I believe that this clan is a great clan and is destined for great things. I love this clan so much, I just wish that I would have made a better impression, and though I may be young, and immature, I can always improve. Also I'm sorry Justice, Connor, Sports, Bcuz, those of you who ridicule me, I still have always been taught to love everybody, so though you may not love me, even like me, I will always love all of you. I apologize for all of the things that may have made me annoy you, And I will try to get better.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Of course.
How would you help this clan: As all of you know, that I would help in no way relating to PvP. Hopefully I can improve. I will probably get a new computer by the end of this year. That will triple my PvP skill.
Tell us more about yourself: I like Honey Buns
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I know every last person in this clan, though not all of them may like me, I still know all of them.
Thank you for reading this application, and I hope you can accept my apology, and if you don't, I deserve it. Thank you.


Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Name: My name is ryan but you can jut call me ry or whatever
Minecraft IGN: Xpertguy
Age: Im currently turning 13 on April 25th
Skype name: My skype name is awesomebox2012
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: I can get iron donor if you need
Wins: i currently have 303
Games Played: 2000+
How active are you 1/10: 7
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past clans: Prophecy Saints and other clans i cant think of
Why do you want to join The Rival: Some good friends are in here and im currently really bored just playing solo
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes sir
How would you help this clan: With scrims or participating is clan recordings etc
Tell us more about yourself: Im very friendly and nice. I live in ontario canada. I do lots of sports and activities
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I used to be in paradox with conconw


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Name: My name is ryan but you can jut call me ry or whatever
Minecraft IGN: Xpertguy
Age: Im currently turning 13 on April 25th
Skype name: My skype name is awesomebox2012
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: I can get iron donor if you need
Wins: i currently have 303
Games Played: 2000+
How active are you 1/10: 7
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past clans: Prophecy Saints and other clans i cant think of
Why do you want to join The Rival: Some good friends are in here and im currently really bored just playing solo
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes sir
How would you help this clan: With scrims or participating is clan recordings etc
Tell us more about yourself: Im very friendly and nice. I live in ontario canada. I do lots of sports and activities
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I used to be in paradox with conconw
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