Dude that's horrible, ThatDamnWalrus is already high enough on a rank, do you need to make him higher!?
But in all serious, No, No, No. They would win every dang time. All this would do is LOSE people, everyone would be so dang pissed and eventually the only people playing would be diamond donators. This is terrible, and it will never happen.
This is a Feature Suggestion forum. Please use constructive criticism when going with or against a posted feature suggestion. If you don't like something, please don't use slanderous words. It makes people feel bad. And no one likes to feel bad, except emo's.
Everyone would be toast off the start. What made you think of this terrible idea?
Please use constructive criticism when going with or against a posted feature suggestion. There is absolutely no reason to be rude to the Original Poster.
Donations usually are for keeping the servers and website running. Also if Chad and his team choose to buy a beer or two, then that is fine with me as I know they work hard to keep things going and I can't even imagine all the messages they get form children asking for moderator positions.
If you or your parents have a few dollar's or euro's or insert currency type here they can spare, without "breaking the bank" then I think you, and everyone (including myself) should donate.
I will be making my donation tomorrow if I get to the bank before 12pm. ;D