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My 1 Year Mark on MCSG


Mar 30, 2013
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Well, it's been a while since I posted a thread on here, and I've never been good at creating them. :p But, as you can tell, it's my 1 year anniversary on MCSG!

But seriously, it's been a long, yet very exciting year for me, and I can't wait for more to come!
My journey of MCSG so far
March, 2013: The day I logged onto the MCSG forums for the first time, into new territory. I had played the game for a month or 2 before I logged on here, but it was so nooby that I forgot which was what back then. Anyways, these forms were new territory for me, a great land of information I could use to help me. Not until it was June did I see how this place really was.

April-May: I came on rarely just to see how unpopular I was back then. :p And also to see the new updates with V2 just coming out (if it was then, I forgot) I think I got a few followers then, but I rarely posted anything to make myself known out there. I played almost every day for hours on end, exploring new maps, looking at the tall buildings of SG2, being rekd every time I tried to win, and if I got lucky, I got some wins. But, I loved the gamemode that was MCSG, and wanted to play it all day. I got to know the secrets of Tiers, routes, and knowing on how to play better later on.

June: This is the month MCSG starts to get interesting. By now, I have a greater interest in the forums and I start becoming active in the forum community. I met some amazing people, but those friendships lasted short sadly.. I saw a lot on what went on the inside of the game, the community, and just stuff like that. I think I made a few threads back then, but I'm never a thread person, so long threads like this are rare to see. :p

July: Nothing new here, actually. Made some newer friends that I am still friends today (I think) and thinking of becoming staff wasn't a bad idea, since back then, the Age limit was still 14. My common sense told me not to apply, since of my inexperience of the community, rules, and how it all goes, so I refrained from doing so.

August: By this time, the age limit was brought up to 15. Fortunately, there was I way to bypass that, but a way I cannot tell. I applied, but was sadly declined. When I look back on that application now, I saw what I missing, and I missed a lot.

September- November: I'm posting a lot more often, I met up with people I still know today, and overall was me. I got to know members of the original TechnoTundra, made threads and posted often, and yeah..fun stuff. :3

December- 2014 January-Feburary: I started to play LoL with some friends of mine, went on TS a lot more often, and was in the New Years spirit. I had the opportunity for the AEP again, and this time, got accepted! Yes, it did take a while, but I believe it was worth it. I did feel myself fall away from the servers part of MCSG, but I'm coming back, don't worry. And how could I forget about Casual MCSGers?!

March-Today: With the AEP done (for a while), all I have to do is revise a mod app to make it better. I'm active with LoL a lot more, and as I look at this, I see how 2014 is lame, but I have nothing to type, really. I hope the next year goes as well as the first did!

People who made me who I am today:
billyguy1 Come on man. Do it. :p EDIT: HE DID IT! But really, you are a cool dude, and even though you are quiet, and a wuss it's fun playing and talking with you.

Brownieee Look above. Perfect couple. Yes, I did make fanfics about them, but you are really good at that Dance game, as well as downloading FTB. :p I hope things go well for you in the future.

Col_StaR Ah, Colonel. I hope to report to post, soon. We discussed a lot of interesting things that day, got some insight on how the community runs and what the upper staff deals with on a daily basis, and hey, the interview wasn't all that bad! Pleasure talking to you, as always.

Dah_Hobbit #Airborne You lead the clan well, and with that, great people. I hope to see the clan go far, and for us to be one of the best!

FuSioN smashmaster #Elysium, when it existed. It would've been the best, if it wasn't torn. But it was still well when it kept going

Erisyuka Sarchikani _Blue_Man_ SilentNative OptionsFinest The people at TechnoTundra I talk to everyday. You guys are the best, and I always look forward to FTB or LoL with you all. And CTW. And SG :p

Beyoncé You are crazy, wild, and crazy. I like that. Keep doing what you do, bby. <3

Pixelatorx2 We were going to be Mod buddies, but coding is your thing. I hope you can teach me soon, if I'm not distracted

TheMangoTiger You are one of the "calm" ones in the chat, but you have your moments ;P I hope we talk some more in the chat

TheCornStealer I will play that SG game, once I'm not busy :3 But seriously, you're a cool dude, and next weekend, SG?

TheManeEvent I don't talk to you often, so I can't say much... but hey, cool dude, We need to play LoL more often, since you are probably better than me.

Claps I wonder about you, sometimes. I really do. I wonder whats inside that mind of yours, but hey, one of the most social in the chat, especially when you and Syd argue about everything. It's hilarious.

Mooclan We've met not so long ago, but you are an amazing dude. Great Noc jung, deals with my yelling, and agrees that yelling "VALOR" is annoying :3 Seriously, I hope you do well with the aspiring mod!

Henry Play with me moar nub. <3

Mlpoknzaba Sorry man, was so much in a hurry that I forgot about you. </3 Another person in the chat, you are really fun to talk to, even though I doubt we ever "spoke" to one another, I hope we do soon.

I'm sorry if I forgot anyone, I'm in a rush to get this completed. You all make me who I am, and I'm thankful for this. For more to come!
Last edited:


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
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Grats man. I haven't seen you for all of the 365 days, but the days I did see you, you seemed cool.


Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
you're a butt

You're pretty great :p you're someone I can talk to about about things, and you're a trustworthy person(usually)
Hopefully your mod process goes well :3


Jun 26, 2012
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Grats :) care now, time goes faster than you think. Almost my 2 year anniversary on the site too


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Even though I said this like 20 times already, congratulations on 1 month! (jk i meant year. I totally meant to type year.)

Really, zane? Really? >:C



Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
Even though I said this like 20 times already, congratulations on 1 month! (jk i meant year. I totally meant to type year.)

Really, zane? Really? >:C

Switch to flexile dark, it's amazing.


District 13
Dec 7, 2012
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Congrats! Seems like you've gone pretty far in this year! (I forgot to make my 1 year mark. It was back in December)


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
My 2 year anniversary is coming up ^-^
But congrats on your 1 year anniversary Zane! <3

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