Name: Ryan
IGN: RyanTheBatiques
Skype name: (Kyle already has me on skype) but its ryanskidmore69
Age: 14
Country: U.K
Wins / Games Played: 154/1211
How will you benefit the clan: - before i answer this id just like to say i have spoken to austin and kyle before and kyle told me to wait a bit until applications are open and i have waited about a month so im just hoping that theyre open again, also kyle said that i am better than my stats suggest, <--- just saying xD - anyway, i am a really friendly dude who plays minecraft and would like to start playing competitively, my main aspect is hot keying so mainly flint and steel and fishing rod, i dont really know if this will ultimately benefit the clan but im sure if you can use your imagination you can see it would some how, i am really active and have teamspeak so im really easy to contact - if needed. Sooooo yeah cheers dudes, i hope i get accepted