Application: Sixorr
MC IGN: Sixorr
Skype Name: zack.spencer32
What would you like your resource pack called: Sixorr's Edit
What blocks would you like?
And can you plz change the pistons to defscape
What items/tools would you like? Swords: Make an edit of r3dcraft 128 swords, but have it cut-off at the top and make them skinnier
Bow: Make the r3dcraft 128x bow grayish
Rod: if you could make the sphax 64x rod gray, that would be amazing
All foods: defscape, except the soup which I would like the be the r3dcraft 128 soups
Clock: podus
Compass: podus
fns: Defscape
What texture pack would you like yours based off of? Froggie Craft (Linked under blocks)
Is there a picture you would like for your resource pack? Nope
Particles: if you could make them a purple version of shredders, and the thing that comes out of the fishing rod be purple as well
Hearts: Pink
Armor bars: Purple
XP bar: purple
Inventory, if you could make it this:
I know this will be a huge challenge, but I feel like you're up for it c;