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Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: 13,5
1. Wins / Games played: 475 something
2. Residence (country): Norway
3. Your Skype (PM if needed): You have me
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Uhm. I have certainly started to know KYSKILLZ and I know The_Waze and I really do think this clan is nice and active.
5. Why should we accept you: Since I think Im good enough, also mature enough. Also because Im interested of this clan and I think I will fit in it.
6. How will you benefit this clan: Im pretty active. Also I think I can improve this team a bit better. Eventhough, I havent teamed so much yet with any of the leaders.
7. How active are you: Im online 2 hours a day, but sometimes I have a lot of school to do.
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO YEH
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: Eh,none I guess as I meet the requirements.
10. Have you teamed with the members before: Yes.
11. Past clan experience: Regicide, Rebels Trial, Divided
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO NAH I LEV DE FERST DAI U KNOW? Thats why am applaying! xD No ofcourse not.
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Probably.Depends on what it is about.
14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): Elite +
15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: I will go on and dont think about it. Also I wouldn't discuss about my dencline.
16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: Im Awesome with the Bow. Pretty good at strafing and set fire at the right time.
17. Any additional information:

I, SenchSlash/Benjamin/Ben or whatever will thereby agree to follow the EndGamers rules and regulations™ and keep my word to the application written above.
You have been accepted for trials :)


Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: 13
1. Wins / Games played:97 and 53
2. Residence (country):France
3. Your Skype (PM if needed):simao.bigares
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan:Because i think i will have a lot of fun and i will improve my pvp skills
5. Why should we accept you Because i am friendly, mature, and most importantly a decent player at pvp
6. How will you benefit this clan:It will benefit me first by having someone to play with because all my friends are in other continents, second it will improve my pvp skills a lot by being in the clan
7. How active are you:2 to 3 hours per day playing
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO I only dont have 350 wins
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like made the exeption of wins because when someone has 100 plus wins they dont need more wins to prove their pvp skills, for that they need to be tested
10. Have you teamed with the members before: No
11. Past clan experience:#Vengeance, #Immortals, #Carbon, #Draconis.
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO No, only if im unhappy with the activity of the clan
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Yup
14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above):I think i should be a rank between elit and member like officer or something
15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: I would accept it because some people can think im good enough to do the job
16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: I am a very agresive player, i go in with the fishing rod, sword and flint and steel and i dont even try to play defensively also because i am not close to being good with the bow, im bad so i dont really play defensively that often
17. Any additional information: I know i dont have the requiered wins but i think you should make an exeption


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: 13
1. Wins / Games played:97 and 53
2. Residence (country):France
3. Your Skype (PM if needed):simao.bigares
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan:Because i think i will have a lot of fun and i will improve my pvp skills
5. Why should we accept you Because i am friendly, mature, and most importantly a decent player at pvp
6. How will you benefit this clan:It will benefit me first by having someone to play with because all my friends are in other continents, second it will improve my pvp skills a lot by being in the clan
7. How active are you:2 to 3 hours per day playing
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO I only dont have 350 wins
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like made the exeption of wins because when someone has 100 plus wins they dont need more wins to prove their pvp skills, for that they need to be tested
10. Have you teamed with the members before: No
11. Past clan experience:#Vengeance, #Immortals, #Carbon, #Draconis.
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO No, only if im unhappy with the activity of the clan
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Yup
14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above):I think i should be a rank between elit and member like officer or something
15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: I would accept it because some people can think im good enough to do the job
16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: I am a very agresive player, i go in with the fishing rod, sword and flint and steel and i dont even try to play defensively also because i am not close to being good with the bow, im bad so i dont really play defensively that often
17. Any additional information: I know i dont have the requiered wins but i think you should make an exeption
Sorry, Declined, Reason: We don't think you have enough good clan experience and an insufficient amount of wins.
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