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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: IPureGold
Age: 16
Donor: Yes, diamond
Wins: 403/1633
Got Skype/TS: Yes, both. I'v been talking on the teamspeak a lot and have even scrimmed with the clan before.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) I will pm it.
Got a mic: Yes.
Timezone: Pacific time zone.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have not teamed with officers or leaders a lot, but I have scrimmed with the clan including myruhh, so there is some experience teaming with officers so they know the way I play. I also was in Empire with gumby and have talked with him a lot in the teamspeak.
PvP Strengths: Close combat sword fights. Also I am good at working strategically with a team in clan battles/scrims.
PvP Weaknesses: My main pvp weakness is fishing rods, I am currently trying to get better at using a fishing rod and countering other peoples fishing rods.
Past Clans (If any): I was in the original empire way back, other than that I have not been in many clans. But have lots of clan experience on other games so I am good at working as a team and communicating with a team.
You cool?: yeah
Best puppy picture: http://imgur.com/UkiwuNe
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Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: IPureGold
Age: 16
Donor: Yes, diamond
Wins: 382/1564
Got Skype/TS: Yes, both. I'v been talking on the teamspeak a lot and have even scrimmed with the clan before.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) I will pm it.
Got a mic: Yes.
Timezone: Pacific time zone.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have not teamed with officers or leaders a lot, but I have scrimmed with the clan including myruhh, so there is some experience teaming with officers so they know the way I play. I also was in Empire with gumby and have talked with him a lot in the teamspeak.
PvP Strengths: Close combat sword fights. Also I am good at working strategically with a team in clan battles/scrims.
PvP Weaknesses: My main pvp weakness is fishing rods, I am currently trying to get better at using a fishing rod and countering other peoples fishing rods.
Past Clans (If any): I was in the original empire way back, other than that I have not been in many clans. But have lots of clan experience on other games so I am good at working as a team and communicating with a team.
You cool?: yeah
Best puppy picture: http://imgur.com/UkiwuNe
Where is the dislike button?


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: IPureGold
Age: 16
Donor: Yes, diamond
Wins: 382/1564
Got Skype/TS: Yes, both. I'v been talking on the teamspeak a lot and have even scrimmed with the clan before.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) I will pm it.
Got a mic: Yes.
Timezone: Pacific time zone.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have not teamed with officers or leaders a lot, but I have scrimmed with the clan including myruhh, so there is some experience teaming with officers so they know the way I play. I also was in Empire with gumby and have talked with him a lot in the teamspeak.
PvP Strengths: Close combat sword fights. Also I am good at working strategically with a team in clan battles/scrims.
PvP Weaknesses: My main pvp weakness is fishing rods, I am currently trying to get better at using a fishing rod and countering other peoples fishing rods.
Past Clans (If any): I was in the original empire way back, other than that I have not been in many clans. But have lots of clan experience on other games so I am good at working as a team and communicating with a team.
You cool?: yeah
Best puppy picture: http://imgur.com/UkiwuNe
that's not a puppy…


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: GOLD_ninja14
Age: 17
Donor: GOLD
Wins: 700 for 2175 atm
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) connor.yonak
Got a mic: yes
Timezone: central
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: never
PvP Strengths: Well rounded but especially good with bow and FnS
PvP Weaknesses: teams of 3 or more, hackers and lag
Past Clans (If any) A few
You cool?: ;)
Best puppy picture:
View attachment 20564
If you really want to get in our clan. The fact that you "never" teamed with the Leader/Officers isn't really a good thing. Get on our TS (IP on front page) and hang out with us. It doesn't do anything but help your chances of getting in. :D

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: GOLD_ninja14
Age: 17
Donor: GOLD
Wins: 700 for 2175 atm
Got Skype/TS: yes
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) connor.yonak
Got a mic: yes
Timezone: central
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: never
PvP Strengths: Well rounded but especially good with bow and FnS
PvP Weaknesses: teams of 3 or more, hackers and lag
Past Clans (If any) A few
You cool?: ;)
Best puppy picture:
View attachment 20564
Besides what Lining said, another thing that will help your chances of getting in to a clan is not applying for more than one. It shows that you aren't loyal and little to no clans will accept you. I suggest deleting your applicaton to either Vanguard or the Rebels, or you will have a 0% chance of getting in to either.

EDIT: God dammit! This is my 1000th post. Time to go delete something.
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