Hey everyone!
This may come as a shocker to the people who may know me, and for those who doesn't it might not be. But today is the day I decided to step down from being a Moderator.
I have many reasons on why I'm resigning and since those reasons are based on how I feel, I will truly explain how I feel of why I'm resigning. First of all, The reason why I applied for Moderator was because I wanted to get the chance to be involved in the community and help people, not just with MCGamer-related issues but possibly with other personal issues as well if I could because I am the type of guy who always loves to make people happy no matter what or how. I want to admit that making people happy actually makes me happy, which is one of the main reasons why I wanna resign, wondering why? Here's how it is to me. Being a moderator in my opinion considering to me was always about putting people first before myself, and I always respected that fact and I always will don't get me wrong, but lately as much as I've been loving to help people and trying to possibly make others happy, I just never really took care of myself along the way, I was always the kind of guy who made sure that others were fine, but at the same time I never really made sure that I was fine myself. I know I probably don't really seem that way to those who know me on how I act on a daily basis with my friends, but it's truly how I feel. As much as I love and enjoy moderating, I feel like I need to take risks if I'm gonna have a shot at being happy again, and one of those risks sadly involves me resigning. I really hope you guys just understand where I'm coming from. Don't get me wrong, I love helping and making people happy and I always will, but for now I just need to work on my own happiness :l Anyways, It has been a great honor to be serving for the community for the past 5 months and I will always appreciate the times that I had with all of you when I was a staff member, and the times when I tried my best to help every single one of you as much as I could. To add more to the story, I would just like to take a moment and thank the Senior Staff and the rest of the staff team (Admins/Developers/etc..) for reviewing and accepting my application when I applied for moderator, you guys did not only just accept me to become a part of the staff team, but you also gave me the chance to become a changed man, you guys changed my life just by letting me in. Through my 5 months of being a Mod I have learned 2 things, I learned how to be mature, and being responsible thanks to you guys. Those 2 traits that I mentioned (Responsibility/Maturity) are traits that are gonna get me far in life thanks to you, and here's how they will:
Responsibility: When I first applied for Mod, I was really hoping to get the chance to help the community, and when I got in, I won't lie but I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at the beginning, I just didn't know anything at all, but let's not get into that Basically how MCSG made me become more responsible in a way is that ever since I have been a mod, something has changed for me. I realized that I'm not just here to play a couple of games with people, but I am here to actually help them as a moderator. People were relying on me and in some cases I felt like some people perhaps even looked up to me (Maybe, maybe not), the only problem is that I never really looked up to myself, and as much as that sucked, I still am thankful about that for one thing, that one thing is called hope. I may still not be looking up to myself that much, but I know having enough hope will grant me the strength to look up to myself one day because hope is the reason why I feel like I'm responsible, I wouldn't have fulfilled my responsibilities in this community as a moderator if it wasn't for hope. And thanks for hope I will achieve a lot in my life, and I have you all to thank for that. So thank you guys for having faith and hope in me. <3
Maturity: As for maturity, believe it or not but way before I even knew about MCSG, I used to be a very immature person (I can be at times still when talking to friends, but I definitely have limits now ). Ever since I got accepted as a Moderator tho, if you read what I've explained above about responsibility then that pretty much sums it all up. I mean, just the faith, love, and hope I've been receiving from this community, and the responsibility of Moderating that this community has assigned me with. That is what I call the true definition of a changed man, believe it or not but how I thought what Mod was like, it wasn't just all about applying for a voluntary job, I actually had a role to do in this community. And that role made me look at things in a whole different aspect, and not just any aspect, but actually a mature-leveled aspect. Which is what I call maturity, so thank you MCSG for not only teaching me responsibility which will help me greatly in the real world, but also for teaching me how to be mature and more caring to the people that I love. This community will always remain closest to my heart, and I have you all to thank for that <3
So yet again, thank you guys for teaching me how to be responsible which is gonna help me greatly in the future especially when I apply for a job in the real world, I mean hope will always have my back right (hopefully)? MCSG has changed my life in so many ways that words cannot even describe how I feel towards this community. Last but not least don't think that I'm just thanking the staff team for all this, I'm actually thanking each and every single one of you guys who is reading this and aren't, I thank you all for giving me the chance to be a part of this community. I mean if it wasn't for people as awesome as you guys, how else do you think I would've lived through some of the best memories that you guys have granted me? The community as a whole has changed me, not just the staff team, and that's all thanks to you guys accepting me and letting me be a part of this community. Anyways, without further or due, let's get to the usual "Thank You!" list of the people who have influenced me the most as a moderator doing my job and as a person (I am sorry if I've forgot to tag any of you, I thought of as many people as I could and even if you're not tagged, I still love you <3)
1. LizzyBethyMC : I am gonna start with you first because #YOLO <3 Lizzy you seriously mean so much to me and you have always been the kind of person who was always there for me through the thick and thin and you always supported my decisions no matter what they are, and believe it or not, but you were one of the few reasons why I was inspired to continue my job as a moderator. I mean you are full with so much positivity, kindness and love, and you literally are one of the best people that I have ever met in my entire life. You are beautiful from the inside-out and I thank god that I have met someone like you, I love you so much Lizzy and thank you for being such an amazing person who has entered my life! I will always be there for you <3 #BFFs
2. Creper_face : I am pretty sure you are shocked reading this, and probably upset who knows? But before I start saying stuff about you, I would just like to apologize for not letting you know earlier that I was going to resign, but continuing off, you sir are the nicest person that I have ever met. We talk so much about so much things that we can relate to together, and you have always had my back no matter what. You were always there for me whenever I needed a friend, and that's a favor I will never forget as long as I shall live. You are not just a friend to me, you are a brother to me. You are the kind of guy who always checks on me no matter what, and whenever I bring myself down, you're always here bringing me back up, and I just want you to know that I'll always do the same back for you. I love you dude and I am extremely glad that I have met someone like you, stay awesome like you always are and we'll talk soon <3
3. MyNameIsSaar : You are just plain wonderful, I mean like, we have a lot of things in common. We both can sing, and we both love to talk about personal things that the both of us can relate to. I mean, I may have not talked to you a lot at all before, but you are one of those people that I can definitely relate to, I mean we barely even talk at all, but yet when we do, it's like we almost never stopped talking before. I will always be there for you whenever you need a friend and it has been a pleasure knowing you. You have been a staff member for such a long time and all I can say honestly is that the community is lucky to have someone as amazing as you. You've been very nice and welcoming to me ever since I got mod and I will never forget that. Stay amazing like I know you do and I hope you achieve all your goals and dreams <3
4. soggypickle : You are the most weirdest pickle that I have ever met before, you talk like a pickle, and you even wreck me at PVP every time like a pickle. And as much as I hate getting destroyed by you on MCSG, you still and always will remain as one of my best friends soggy. Im glad I met you man and I just want to let you know that if you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me, I'll always be there for you. Stay awesome.
Actually number 1. monsters689 : Let me start off with you by telling you how extremely amazing and funny you are haha, I mean those times when we rage together, people would literally get scared of us xD. Puneet you were one of my first few buddies ever since I got mod and you're definitely here to stay as a friend to me, you're just plain awesome and I am so glad I met someone like you because literally when people rage, as much as how mad they are sounds funny, no one would ever compete with you xD I love the time we spent together dude and hopefully maybe you might teach me how to PVP more in the future? It was a pleasure working with you as a staff member, and whether I'm still mod or not, I'm sure we'll still talk and be friends no matter what. Im always there for you, so you can count on it. I wish you good luck in the future.
6. Tzazon : Tzazon, you are one of the nicest people that I've ever known, and it sucks that we don't talk like we used to anymore But even so, at least I'm sort of glad in a way that we shared some fun memories together in the past. I'm sure there are plenty more from where those are coming from, and I'm sure we'll talk again some day, thank you for being such a nice person that I've always known you were, and last but not least, thank you for staying you, because you make such a wonderful addition to the community. I'm pretty sure the community is lucky to have you, keep up the good work and if you ever need a friend, even tho we don't talk that much, I'll still be there for you man. Wish you all the best of luck!
7. fuzypoo : Fuzzyyyyyyyyyy! Even tho we don't talk as much anymore, you were always considered like a brother to me, and always will. I mean we had so much fun together back in the old times when we used to build random houses on Creative on your plot, those fun times on the TS chat where Me, You, Lizzy, and everybody used to laugh so much, I really miss those times. You have been such a great influence and a friend to me, and you're definitely one of the reasons of why I was inspired to continue doing my job. Thank you so much for being that one awesome person that is one of the few reasons of why I am definitely a changed person, and if you ever need anything at all, let me know because I will always be there for you. You're one of my best friends and I'll never forget someone as great as you. Hope we talk soon bro.
8. azule2012 : Azuleeeeeeeeee I may have not known you that much at all but all I wanna tell you dude is that I am glad to have talked to you a few times, you seem like such a great person and I'm pretty sure you will achieve so much in life. I am more than happy that I got the chance to train you a tiny bit when you first got mod, and even tho we might have not shared that much memories, it was still great to know you either way. I hope we talk more in the future.
9. Lovelywishes : Loveeeelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, my favorite asiaaaaaan buddyyyyyyyyyyyyy! <3 We both got mod perhaps not at the same time, but definitely close enough by a day or two. You are one of the most beautiful and most wonderful people that I have ever met in my entire life and I am extremely more than happy that I have met someone like you. You are full with so much positivity, and you are full with so much #SpoilerAlert information about the tv show that we talked about earlier and you spoiled it for me It doesn't matter if we talk that much or not, just always know that we're always gonna be best friends no matter what alright? I mean you are one of those people who I really love and enjoy talking to and you are definitely one of those people who have been such a great influence on me in my journey as a moderator <3 It has been an honor working with you as a staff member. Continue on the awesome work like I know you would and if you ever need a friend, or someone you wanna spoil stuff to Just know that I will always be there for you no matter what! I love you <3
10. KitMencha : Hey Nick, I wanna thank you for one thing. I wanna thank you for being an amazing friend. You were always one of those people who I enjoy talking to a lot and I am extremely proud of the person that you have become today! You were always there for me whenever I needed something and you were even there to back me up in situations whenever I felt like I couldn't. I mean you are one of those people that have always stuck by my side no matter what, and I can't thank you enough for that. The feeling is definitely mutual. You are not just considered as a best friend to me, you are literally like a brother to me man and no matter what happens in your life, I'll always be here for you and I'll have your back whenever you need me to. I am more than glad honestly when you told me that I was your first buddy when you got mod that one time I mean I just love that we shared a lot of history together, and we'll definitely share more of the future together as friends. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, and last but not least, an awesome brother. Stay awesome.
11. PinnuSwirl : OMGG Pinnuuuuuuuuuuuu! Where do I even start? I remember that one time when I got so bored that I wanted to talk to a random person on TeamSpeak, and that's when I poked you asking if we could talk haha. Not gonna lie but I was literally scared since I never heard you speak But I'm glad we spoke because I just found out how awesome of a person you really are and you will always remain as one of my best friends no matter what <3 It has been a fun time getting to know you and 8xray and you guys are just plain wonderful. I love you and we really need to catch up more often because we have so much in common, I mean like we both are into photography which pretty much sums it all up haha! Stay beautiful photography buddy and if you ever need a friend, yet again I'm letting you know, I'm here <3
12. 8xray : Where do I even start man? I mean getting the chance to know you has been amazing. You seem like an extremely nice person and I definitely enjoyed getting the opportunity to work with you as a staff member. I even remember that one time when I recorded that video of me and you and Pinnu and Nolen and everyone just randomly derping with our heads on Minecraft at the same time near the staff room door, it was funny haha and I actually still have that video on my youtube channel xD Anyways tho we should talk more often and if there's anything I could do for you, just let me know. It was nice knowing you, and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.
13. K259864 : Where do I begin? Hmm.. Well first of all, I would just like to thank you for being that one awesome guy who trained me when I first got mod. I mean if it wasn't for you then who knows what sort of stuff I would've known by now as a moderator? xD I still don't get how come we never talked at all before on MCSG, I mean like, ever since we started talking you're just like this one nice person who is there for me whenever I needed a friend, and what makes it even more awesome is that you don't know me that much. Even tho we never talked that much before, for some reason you were one of the first few people that actually knew about my resignation before I wrote this letter, and until today I am extremely thankful that you were there for me along the way when I told you about that, feeling special huh? xD Well, Considering you did all that for me makes me think that you are such an amazing person who is gonna achieve so many goals in his life. I don't know how we never talked before but at least we are talking now, and I'm glad we are, I am glad to say officially that it's extremely nice to meet you, and I hope we continue talking more often in the future. You are such an amazing friendly person and I respect that so much about you, stay awesome and if you ever need anything, I'll be here for you alright?
14. Frondome : Frondomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I don't even know where to begin with you omgggg, when I say you are the best person that I have ever met, I literally mean the BEST. You are so awesome like I can't even explain, you have been there for me through so much problems and drama. And you never even gave up on me once, when I was depressed you were there, and when I was angry you were still there and not getting mad at me. I do not know what to say other than the fact that I don't just consider you as a brother, I also respect you as one too. You are one of the most amazing people that I have ever met and you have changed me in so many ways, starting from the day you randomly joined the channel Teamspeak with me and gave me those wonderful confidence-boosting tips on how I shouldn't be so scared about the interview. I mean you were there for me through it all and I do not know how I could pay it all back to you. I love you a lot dude and you are not just my best friend, you are my brother, and I will always have your back and I will definitely always be there for you. Just like you never gave up on me, I will definitely never give up on you. Stay amazing Frondome cause you literally are, thanks for being one of the few people that I can trust with my whole life. Love you man, and thank you for giving me the chance to know youu. <3
15. LadyOfLove : It sucks that we don't talk as often anymore, but I will always be your friend Shelbyyy! Before I say anything first, I would just like to take a second and thank you for all the hard work that you've been doing for the community, I mean this community is so lucky to have such a beautiful and awesome person like yourself. And to begin it with, I remember those days when we used to be on TeamSpeak watching random Youtube videos together and talking about just a lot of stuff that would make the both of us laugh, I also remember the songs of that Australian singer guy that you used to make me listen to I remember the times when I used to wear that skin that you made me and when I would have an awesome time in the hub with you and Benny and everyone, I also remember that one time when you Photoshopped those amazing pictures of my skin, I mean you are talented, smart, and amazing, should I add more to the book? I am extremely glad that I met someone as kind, awesome, and as lovely as you and just know that whenever you need a friend to count on, I am available. I mean you have inspired me so much to continue my job as a moderator and you are one of those people that I will never forget, whether we talk or not. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend Shelby, it was really nice knowing you, and carry on the good work and I wish you all the best of luck in the future! <3
16. MetagrossVSwablu : Omg, I still remember that day when I used to go to you for confidence tips back in the old days when I was scared to get my interview xD Haha, you probably knew how scared I was but anyways, it was great knowing you man and even tho we don't talk as much anymore, we still had some pretty fun memories together and Im thankful I met someone as awesome as you. We should talk more often so make sure to hit me up more often! Keep up the good work here at MCGamer like I know you would. And wish you all the best of luck in the future!
17. TotalDramaTony : Beyonceeeeeeeeeeeee, sorry I just had to call you that haha. Anyways Tonyyyy we have met way back when Danny added me to this skype call and you were there. I was like who is this guy but then later on when I got to know you, I also knew how awesome of a person you'd be. I miss the fun times when we would get on Skype and act like Beyonce and Paris Hilton dominating the world, and I also miss the times when I would tease you sometimes haha xD But what ill definitely miss the most is me not being able to help you with staff issues. I am more than glad to have known someone as awesome as you and you are seriously considered as a brother to me, I know I say that to a lot of people but I only say it to the ones who I feel like they truly are xD Thank you for being such a wonderful friend Tony and I hope we talk way more in the future. I love you man and whenever you need anything at all, make sure to always hit me up as I will always be there for you no matter what, I mean what are best friends for right? Continue carrying on the awesome work here at MCGamer, you are a great mod and I wish you all the best of luck <3
18. KiraBerry : Kiraaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Omggg I love youuu sooooooooo muchhhhh. Ive known you for such a long time but yet we still talk every day until this very day You are the most wonderful person that I have ever met in my entire life, you are full with so much positivity and kindness that I just wanna be you sometimes, is that weird? Maybe? yeah? Alright lets not get into that tho xD Kira you are not just considered as a best friend to me, you are literally like an actual sister to me. I can talk to you about so much stuff and trust you with a lot of things and you were one of the few people that knew about my resignation before I wrote this letter, thank you for always sticking by my side and better yet just thank you for being there for me all the time no matter what. You are such a wonderful and a beautiful person and Ill always have your back no matter what. If you ever need a friend, im here for you always <3 Don't ever hesitate at all! Love you!
19. KRaidium : I may have not known you that well during my journey as a moderator, but you are probably one of the nicest people ever that I have ever came across to. You were very helpful to me and you were always so nice to me no matter what and I seriously thank you for that. The staff team is lucky to have such an amazing person like yourself, and I really hope you go far in life and achieve all your goals and dreams. Like I said, even tho I don't know you that much, it was definitely great talking to you the past few days and I really hope we continue talking You seem like a really awesome guy and I just want to tell you to keep up the awesome work here at MCGamer and if you ever need a friend, I'll always be there for you alright? Good luck in the future! <3
20. TLerDaily : Tylerrrrrrrrrrrr! I've known you for so longgg dudeee. Not only are you one of my best friends, but you are also like a brother to me. I can act completely stupid around you and you're one of those people who won't even care, but would actually laugh with me and I thank you for that haha! I am more than glad that I have met someone who is as great as you and it has been an honor working with you as a staff member. I am extremely lucky to have such an awesome friend like you in my life and just know that I will definitely always be there for you, there's no questioning about that. I mean you helped me with so much stuff and we shared a lot of memories together, and I'm sure we'll share many more. Remember that one time when we used to have a lot of fun in the old days when Me, You, Fuzy, McFails, and so on talked on a channel about a bunch of random stuff? I kinda miss that haha. I mean we've been through so much together, and so far I am glad to have known you during my journey. Hope we keep talking soon <3
21. DracoHD : Dracooooooooooooo, my spanish buddy. You were always considered as one of my favorite Mods believe it or not, you were always the kind of guy who even tho I did not know very well considering we don't talk that often, but for some reason I felt like you were always there for me. Remember the times when we used to moderate the EU hub together while we were talking privately in a mod chat? I miss those times man. But at least it has been a great pleasure working with you, and I'm glad I've shared a few fun memories with a person who is as fun, great, kind, and awesome as you. Keep up the good work here at MCGamer like I definitely know you would and just like I would say to any other person that I truly care about, if you really ever need anything at all, please know that I'll always be here for you no matter what alright? It was great knowing you bro, and hope we keep talking soon! Good luck on everything.
So after tagging 21 people, I would say I'm pretty exhausted But even if you're not tagged, I mean, if you just look back at our memories, I am sure you will find out how much I truly care about you <3 Either way, sorry if I forgot to tag anyone :l So yeah before I end it off in here, I would just like to thank the community for giving me the opportunity to be a part of it once again, and to be a staff member on it. It has been an honor serving this community for the past 5 months and who knows? Maybe I will come back one day. Like I said, this is not the end. I hope I'll be seeing you guys in the hub and if any of you ever wanna talk, whether I know you or not, I'll try to be here for you. You all made me so happy in this community, you really did, and I will never take that back, I will always remember that. Thank you so much for the wonderful chance of letting me be in this community, and serving in this community, and I hope you all stay wonderful and happy in life. Love you guys <3
This may come as a shocker to the people who may know me, and for those who doesn't it might not be. But today is the day I decided to step down from being a Moderator.
I have many reasons on why I'm resigning and since those reasons are based on how I feel, I will truly explain how I feel of why I'm resigning. First of all, The reason why I applied for Moderator was because I wanted to get the chance to be involved in the community and help people, not just with MCGamer-related issues but possibly with other personal issues as well if I could because I am the type of guy who always loves to make people happy no matter what or how. I want to admit that making people happy actually makes me happy, which is one of the main reasons why I wanna resign, wondering why? Here's how it is to me. Being a moderator in my opinion considering to me was always about putting people first before myself, and I always respected that fact and I always will don't get me wrong, but lately as much as I've been loving to help people and trying to possibly make others happy, I just never really took care of myself along the way, I was always the kind of guy who made sure that others were fine, but at the same time I never really made sure that I was fine myself. I know I probably don't really seem that way to those who know me on how I act on a daily basis with my friends, but it's truly how I feel. As much as I love and enjoy moderating, I feel like I need to take risks if I'm gonna have a shot at being happy again, and one of those risks sadly involves me resigning. I really hope you guys just understand where I'm coming from. Don't get me wrong, I love helping and making people happy and I always will, but for now I just need to work on my own happiness :l Anyways, It has been a great honor to be serving for the community for the past 5 months and I will always appreciate the times that I had with all of you when I was a staff member, and the times when I tried my best to help every single one of you as much as I could. To add more to the story, I would just like to take a moment and thank the Senior Staff and the rest of the staff team (Admins/Developers/etc..) for reviewing and accepting my application when I applied for moderator, you guys did not only just accept me to become a part of the staff team, but you also gave me the chance to become a changed man, you guys changed my life just by letting me in. Through my 5 months of being a Mod I have learned 2 things, I learned how to be mature, and being responsible thanks to you guys. Those 2 traits that I mentioned (Responsibility/Maturity) are traits that are gonna get me far in life thanks to you, and here's how they will:
Responsibility: When I first applied for Mod, I was really hoping to get the chance to help the community, and when I got in, I won't lie but I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at the beginning, I just didn't know anything at all, but let's not get into that Basically how MCSG made me become more responsible in a way is that ever since I have been a mod, something has changed for me. I realized that I'm not just here to play a couple of games with people, but I am here to actually help them as a moderator. People were relying on me and in some cases I felt like some people perhaps even looked up to me (Maybe, maybe not), the only problem is that I never really looked up to myself, and as much as that sucked, I still am thankful about that for one thing, that one thing is called hope. I may still not be looking up to myself that much, but I know having enough hope will grant me the strength to look up to myself one day because hope is the reason why I feel like I'm responsible, I wouldn't have fulfilled my responsibilities in this community as a moderator if it wasn't for hope. And thanks for hope I will achieve a lot in my life, and I have you all to thank for that. So thank you guys for having faith and hope in me. <3
Maturity: As for maturity, believe it or not but way before I even knew about MCSG, I used to be a very immature person (I can be at times still when talking to friends, but I definitely have limits now ). Ever since I got accepted as a Moderator tho, if you read what I've explained above about responsibility then that pretty much sums it all up. I mean, just the faith, love, and hope I've been receiving from this community, and the responsibility of Moderating that this community has assigned me with. That is what I call the true definition of a changed man, believe it or not but how I thought what Mod was like, it wasn't just all about applying for a voluntary job, I actually had a role to do in this community. And that role made me look at things in a whole different aspect, and not just any aspect, but actually a mature-leveled aspect. Which is what I call maturity, so thank you MCSG for not only teaching me responsibility which will help me greatly in the real world, but also for teaching me how to be mature and more caring to the people that I love. This community will always remain closest to my heart, and I have you all to thank for that <3
So yet again, thank you guys for teaching me how to be responsible which is gonna help me greatly in the future especially when I apply for a job in the real world, I mean hope will always have my back right (hopefully)? MCSG has changed my life in so many ways that words cannot even describe how I feel towards this community. Last but not least don't think that I'm just thanking the staff team for all this, I'm actually thanking each and every single one of you guys who is reading this and aren't, I thank you all for giving me the chance to be a part of this community. I mean if it wasn't for people as awesome as you guys, how else do you think I would've lived through some of the best memories that you guys have granted me? The community as a whole has changed me, not just the staff team, and that's all thanks to you guys accepting me and letting me be a part of this community. Anyways, without further or due, let's get to the usual "Thank You!" list of the people who have influenced me the most as a moderator doing my job and as a person (I am sorry if I've forgot to tag any of you, I thought of as many people as I could and even if you're not tagged, I still love you <3)
1. LizzyBethyMC : I am gonna start with you first because #YOLO <3 Lizzy you seriously mean so much to me and you have always been the kind of person who was always there for me through the thick and thin and you always supported my decisions no matter what they are, and believe it or not, but you were one of the few reasons why I was inspired to continue my job as a moderator. I mean you are full with so much positivity, kindness and love, and you literally are one of the best people that I have ever met in my entire life. You are beautiful from the inside-out and I thank god that I have met someone like you, I love you so much Lizzy and thank you for being such an amazing person who has entered my life! I will always be there for you <3 #BFFs
2. Creper_face : I am pretty sure you are shocked reading this, and probably upset who knows? But before I start saying stuff about you, I would just like to apologize for not letting you know earlier that I was going to resign, but continuing off, you sir are the nicest person that I have ever met. We talk so much about so much things that we can relate to together, and you have always had my back no matter what. You were always there for me whenever I needed a friend, and that's a favor I will never forget as long as I shall live. You are not just a friend to me, you are a brother to me. You are the kind of guy who always checks on me no matter what, and whenever I bring myself down, you're always here bringing me back up, and I just want you to know that I'll always do the same back for you. I love you dude and I am extremely glad that I have met someone like you, stay awesome like you always are and we'll talk soon <3
3. MyNameIsSaar : You are just plain wonderful, I mean like, we have a lot of things in common. We both can sing, and we both love to talk about personal things that the both of us can relate to. I mean, I may have not talked to you a lot at all before, but you are one of those people that I can definitely relate to, I mean we barely even talk at all, but yet when we do, it's like we almost never stopped talking before. I will always be there for you whenever you need a friend and it has been a pleasure knowing you. You have been a staff member for such a long time and all I can say honestly is that the community is lucky to have someone as amazing as you. You've been very nice and welcoming to me ever since I got mod and I will never forget that. Stay amazing like I know you do and I hope you achieve all your goals and dreams <3
4. soggypickle : You are the most weirdest pickle that I have ever met before, you talk like a pickle, and you even wreck me at PVP every time like a pickle. And as much as I hate getting destroyed by you on MCSG, you still and always will remain as one of my best friends soggy. Im glad I met you man and I just want to let you know that if you ever need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me, I'll always be there for you. Stay awesome.
Actually number 1. monsters689 : Let me start off with you by telling you how extremely amazing and funny you are haha, I mean those times when we rage together, people would literally get scared of us xD. Puneet you were one of my first few buddies ever since I got mod and you're definitely here to stay as a friend to me, you're just plain awesome and I am so glad I met someone like you because literally when people rage, as much as how mad they are sounds funny, no one would ever compete with you xD I love the time we spent together dude and hopefully maybe you might teach me how to PVP more in the future? It was a pleasure working with you as a staff member, and whether I'm still mod or not, I'm sure we'll still talk and be friends no matter what. Im always there for you, so you can count on it. I wish you good luck in the future.
6. Tzazon : Tzazon, you are one of the nicest people that I've ever known, and it sucks that we don't talk like we used to anymore But even so, at least I'm sort of glad in a way that we shared some fun memories together in the past. I'm sure there are plenty more from where those are coming from, and I'm sure we'll talk again some day, thank you for being such a nice person that I've always known you were, and last but not least, thank you for staying you, because you make such a wonderful addition to the community. I'm pretty sure the community is lucky to have you, keep up the good work and if you ever need a friend, even tho we don't talk that much, I'll still be there for you man. Wish you all the best of luck!
7. fuzypoo : Fuzzyyyyyyyyyy! Even tho we don't talk as much anymore, you were always considered like a brother to me, and always will. I mean we had so much fun together back in the old times when we used to build random houses on Creative on your plot, those fun times on the TS chat where Me, You, Lizzy, and everybody used to laugh so much, I really miss those times. You have been such a great influence and a friend to me, and you're definitely one of the reasons of why I was inspired to continue doing my job. Thank you so much for being that one awesome person that is one of the few reasons of why I am definitely a changed person, and if you ever need anything at all, let me know because I will always be there for you. You're one of my best friends and I'll never forget someone as great as you. Hope we talk soon bro.
8. azule2012 : Azuleeeeeeeeee I may have not known you that much at all but all I wanna tell you dude is that I am glad to have talked to you a few times, you seem like such a great person and I'm pretty sure you will achieve so much in life. I am more than happy that I got the chance to train you a tiny bit when you first got mod, and even tho we might have not shared that much memories, it was still great to know you either way. I hope we talk more in the future.
9. Lovelywishes : Loveeeelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, my favorite asiaaaaaan buddyyyyyyyyyyyyy! <3 We both got mod perhaps not at the same time, but definitely close enough by a day or two. You are one of the most beautiful and most wonderful people that I have ever met in my entire life and I am extremely more than happy that I have met someone like you. You are full with so much positivity, and you are full with so much #SpoilerAlert information about the tv show that we talked about earlier and you spoiled it for me It doesn't matter if we talk that much or not, just always know that we're always gonna be best friends no matter what alright? I mean you are one of those people who I really love and enjoy talking to and you are definitely one of those people who have been such a great influence on me in my journey as a moderator <3 It has been an honor working with you as a staff member. Continue on the awesome work like I know you would and if you ever need a friend, or someone you wanna spoil stuff to Just know that I will always be there for you no matter what! I love you <3
10. KitMencha : Hey Nick, I wanna thank you for one thing. I wanna thank you for being an amazing friend. You were always one of those people who I enjoy talking to a lot and I am extremely proud of the person that you have become today! You were always there for me whenever I needed something and you were even there to back me up in situations whenever I felt like I couldn't. I mean you are one of those people that have always stuck by my side no matter what, and I can't thank you enough for that. The feeling is definitely mutual. You are not just considered as a best friend to me, you are literally like a brother to me man and no matter what happens in your life, I'll always be here for you and I'll have your back whenever you need me to. I am more than glad honestly when you told me that I was your first buddy when you got mod that one time I mean I just love that we shared a lot of history together, and we'll definitely share more of the future together as friends. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend, and last but not least, an awesome brother. Stay awesome.
11. PinnuSwirl : OMGG Pinnuuuuuuuuuuuu! Where do I even start? I remember that one time when I got so bored that I wanted to talk to a random person on TeamSpeak, and that's when I poked you asking if we could talk haha. Not gonna lie but I was literally scared since I never heard you speak But I'm glad we spoke because I just found out how awesome of a person you really are and you will always remain as one of my best friends no matter what <3 It has been a fun time getting to know you and 8xray and you guys are just plain wonderful. I love you and we really need to catch up more often because we have so much in common, I mean like we both are into photography which pretty much sums it all up haha! Stay beautiful photography buddy and if you ever need a friend, yet again I'm letting you know, I'm here <3
12. 8xray : Where do I even start man? I mean getting the chance to know you has been amazing. You seem like an extremely nice person and I definitely enjoyed getting the opportunity to work with you as a staff member. I even remember that one time when I recorded that video of me and you and Pinnu and Nolen and everyone just randomly derping with our heads on Minecraft at the same time near the staff room door, it was funny haha and I actually still have that video on my youtube channel xD Anyways tho we should talk more often and if there's anything I could do for you, just let me know. It was nice knowing you, and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.
13. K259864 : Where do I begin? Hmm.. Well first of all, I would just like to thank you for being that one awesome guy who trained me when I first got mod. I mean if it wasn't for you then who knows what sort of stuff I would've known by now as a moderator? xD I still don't get how come we never talked at all before on MCSG, I mean like, ever since we started talking you're just like this one nice person who is there for me whenever I needed a friend, and what makes it even more awesome is that you don't know me that much. Even tho we never talked that much before, for some reason you were one of the first few people that actually knew about my resignation before I wrote this letter, and until today I am extremely thankful that you were there for me along the way when I told you about that, feeling special huh? xD Well, Considering you did all that for me makes me think that you are such an amazing person who is gonna achieve so many goals in his life. I don't know how we never talked before but at least we are talking now, and I'm glad we are, I am glad to say officially that it's extremely nice to meet you, and I hope we continue talking more often in the future. You are such an amazing friendly person and I respect that so much about you, stay awesome and if you ever need anything, I'll be here for you alright?
14. Frondome : Frondomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I don't even know where to begin with you omgggg, when I say you are the best person that I have ever met, I literally mean the BEST. You are so awesome like I can't even explain, you have been there for me through so much problems and drama. And you never even gave up on me once, when I was depressed you were there, and when I was angry you were still there and not getting mad at me. I do not know what to say other than the fact that I don't just consider you as a brother, I also respect you as one too. You are one of the most amazing people that I have ever met and you have changed me in so many ways, starting from the day you randomly joined the channel Teamspeak with me and gave me those wonderful confidence-boosting tips on how I shouldn't be so scared about the interview. I mean you were there for me through it all and I do not know how I could pay it all back to you. I love you a lot dude and you are not just my best friend, you are my brother, and I will always have your back and I will definitely always be there for you. Just like you never gave up on me, I will definitely never give up on you. Stay amazing Frondome cause you literally are, thanks for being one of the few people that I can trust with my whole life. Love you man, and thank you for giving me the chance to know youu. <3
15. LadyOfLove : It sucks that we don't talk as often anymore, but I will always be your friend Shelbyyy! Before I say anything first, I would just like to take a second and thank you for all the hard work that you've been doing for the community, I mean this community is so lucky to have such a beautiful and awesome person like yourself. And to begin it with, I remember those days when we used to be on TeamSpeak watching random Youtube videos together and talking about just a lot of stuff that would make the both of us laugh, I also remember the songs of that Australian singer guy that you used to make me listen to I remember the times when I used to wear that skin that you made me and when I would have an awesome time in the hub with you and Benny and everyone, I also remember that one time when you Photoshopped those amazing pictures of my skin, I mean you are talented, smart, and amazing, should I add more to the book? I am extremely glad that I met someone as kind, awesome, and as lovely as you and just know that whenever you need a friend to count on, I am available. I mean you have inspired me so much to continue my job as a moderator and you are one of those people that I will never forget, whether we talk or not. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend Shelby, it was really nice knowing you, and carry on the good work and I wish you all the best of luck in the future! <3
16. MetagrossVSwablu : Omg, I still remember that day when I used to go to you for confidence tips back in the old days when I was scared to get my interview xD Haha, you probably knew how scared I was but anyways, it was great knowing you man and even tho we don't talk as much anymore, we still had some pretty fun memories together and Im thankful I met someone as awesome as you. We should talk more often so make sure to hit me up more often! Keep up the good work here at MCGamer like I know you would. And wish you all the best of luck in the future!
17. TotalDramaTony : Beyonceeeeeeeeeeeee, sorry I just had to call you that haha. Anyways Tonyyyy we have met way back when Danny added me to this skype call and you were there. I was like who is this guy but then later on when I got to know you, I also knew how awesome of a person you'd be. I miss the fun times when we would get on Skype and act like Beyonce and Paris Hilton dominating the world, and I also miss the times when I would tease you sometimes haha xD But what ill definitely miss the most is me not being able to help you with staff issues. I am more than glad to have known someone as awesome as you and you are seriously considered as a brother to me, I know I say that to a lot of people but I only say it to the ones who I feel like they truly are xD Thank you for being such a wonderful friend Tony and I hope we talk way more in the future. I love you man and whenever you need anything at all, make sure to always hit me up as I will always be there for you no matter what, I mean what are best friends for right? Continue carrying on the awesome work here at MCGamer, you are a great mod and I wish you all the best of luck <3
18. KiraBerry : Kiraaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Omggg I love youuu sooooooooo muchhhhh. Ive known you for such a long time but yet we still talk every day until this very day You are the most wonderful person that I have ever met in my entire life, you are full with so much positivity and kindness that I just wanna be you sometimes, is that weird? Maybe? yeah? Alright lets not get into that tho xD Kira you are not just considered as a best friend to me, you are literally like an actual sister to me. I can talk to you about so much stuff and trust you with a lot of things and you were one of the few people that knew about my resignation before I wrote this letter, thank you for always sticking by my side and better yet just thank you for being there for me all the time no matter what. You are such a wonderful and a beautiful person and Ill always have your back no matter what. If you ever need a friend, im here for you always <3 Don't ever hesitate at all! Love you!
19. KRaidium : I may have not known you that well during my journey as a moderator, but you are probably one of the nicest people ever that I have ever came across to. You were very helpful to me and you were always so nice to me no matter what and I seriously thank you for that. The staff team is lucky to have such an amazing person like yourself, and I really hope you go far in life and achieve all your goals and dreams. Like I said, even tho I don't know you that much, it was definitely great talking to you the past few days and I really hope we continue talking You seem like a really awesome guy and I just want to tell you to keep up the awesome work here at MCGamer and if you ever need a friend, I'll always be there for you alright? Good luck in the future! <3
20. TLerDaily : Tylerrrrrrrrrrrr! I've known you for so longgg dudeee. Not only are you one of my best friends, but you are also like a brother to me. I can act completely stupid around you and you're one of those people who won't even care, but would actually laugh with me and I thank you for that haha! I am more than glad that I have met someone who is as great as you and it has been an honor working with you as a staff member. I am extremely lucky to have such an awesome friend like you in my life and just know that I will definitely always be there for you, there's no questioning about that. I mean you helped me with so much stuff and we shared a lot of memories together, and I'm sure we'll share many more. Remember that one time when we used to have a lot of fun in the old days when Me, You, Fuzy, McFails, and so on talked on a channel about a bunch of random stuff? I kinda miss that haha. I mean we've been through so much together, and so far I am glad to have known you during my journey. Hope we keep talking soon <3
21. DracoHD : Dracooooooooooooo, my spanish buddy. You were always considered as one of my favorite Mods believe it or not, you were always the kind of guy who even tho I did not know very well considering we don't talk that often, but for some reason I felt like you were always there for me. Remember the times when we used to moderate the EU hub together while we were talking privately in a mod chat? I miss those times man. But at least it has been a great pleasure working with you, and I'm glad I've shared a few fun memories with a person who is as fun, great, kind, and awesome as you. Keep up the good work here at MCGamer like I definitely know you would and just like I would say to any other person that I truly care about, if you really ever need anything at all, please know that I'll always be here for you no matter what alright? It was great knowing you bro, and hope we keep talking soon! Good luck on everything.
So after tagging 21 people, I would say I'm pretty exhausted But even if you're not tagged, I mean, if you just look back at our memories, I am sure you will find out how much I truly care about you <3 Either way, sorry if I forgot to tag anyone :l So yeah before I end it off in here, I would just like to thank the community for giving me the opportunity to be a part of it once again, and to be a staff member on it. It has been an honor serving this community for the past 5 months and who knows? Maybe I will come back one day. Like I said, this is not the end. I hope I'll be seeing you guys in the hub and if any of you ever wanna talk, whether I know you or not, I'll try to be here for you. You all made me so happy in this community, you really did, and I will never take that back, I will always remember that. Thank you so much for the wonderful chance of letting me be in this community, and serving in this community, and I hope you all stay wonderful and happy in life. Love you guys <3
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