120 Servers would be a lot better if it wasn't always Map 3....I hate map 3....
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
that would be awesomeI want to see a 12 slot player server! I think it would be really cool to boil games down to really see who has the skill in a 12 man all out brawl in a smaller arena!
I couldn't help but disagree, what purpose would a "donor" server have? We can join any server we want all ready. I think it's time that non-donors got a little love. Instead of a "donor only" server there should be at least one server where non-donors are immune to getting kicked by a donor. Before I donated that was the worst and I feel it would be a great improvement the to community. But, back to the topic. 24 player servers all the way.Oh, and a donor only Survival Games server would be awesome!
I doubt reaping will ever happen and sponsoring will never happen.I think 24 and you should do a "Reaping" before the games begin. Once you begin, two tributes from the same district can win if both are alive. I would also LOVE sponsoring.