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Asanity's Life Lessons

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In order to read the thread you're going to have change to the "Flexile Dark - Green Test" theme)

They say all good things come to an end. That time for me has come to an end. This is my goodbye, resignation, and the lessons I've learned while my time here.

I first came to MCSG by a old friend of mine that I've lost contact with. (cries) Back then I use to be obsessed with the "Hunger Games" Trilogy. When I realized you could actually play it on Minecraft I thought it was the coolest thing ever. From that point on, I kept playing it and meeting tons of new people. It was awesome, because there would never be any problems. Just getting home from school looking at who was on Skype and just give them a call and there you would be playing a game with them for the rest of the day. I looked forward to it everyday, because I was always meeting new people. Friends of friends, and everyday you just become closer to your friends. There would be no drama, no fights, nothing at all.

  • I've learned to never take things for granted. Your true friends, the one that are actually there for you when you need it. Those are the ones you need to cherish.
  • I've learned that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.
  • I've learned being friends with a few people are always better than having more.
  • I've learned that you should love those who love you back and not go for the ones that don't love you back.
I saw an opportunity for myself and my friends. Due to the fact of how competitive I am and from the previous games I've played, I thought it would be awesome creating a clan. Just getting a group of friends together and playing together for fun. It would makes things more organized and I thought there could be nothing wrong with that. A clan that was never thought to be competitive. Just a bunch of dorks having fun with each other, we didn't judge each other or anything. Just a group of friends that had fun. And it turned out amazing. This led to my first ever created clan called Aviate. This was when our initial goal was just to have fun.

  • I've learned to just to have fun. Taking things serious won't bring you fun, but drama.
  • I've learned that bananas taste good because they're yellow.
  • I've learned that people are going to be bananas.
Eventually we started to become better at PVP and than things started to become more competitive. I didn't like this change, because it forced us into kicking out a few members of ours. I realized I didn't look forward playing as much, because I didn't have as much fun. I was forced to kick a few of my friends out of the clan due to the fact I wasn't the only one leading the clan. This eventually led us to disbanding due to the fact there were too many problems among the clan.
  • I've learned friends aren't really friends.
  • I've learned people are going to take a banana and stab you in the back sometimes.
  • I've learned chase after the ones you love.
  • I've learned the people that are meant to be your friends will still be your friends in the worst times.
  • I've learned people that love you will do anything for you no matter what.
Few weeks later or whatever time passed I've decided to reband Aviate. This time with a different intention. To win, to prove to us we can become one of the top clans. Oh boy was it a fun experience.
  • I've learned that even your closest friends will lie to you.
  • I've learned that drama isn't something I wanted to deal with.
  • I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
  • I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
Ok well doodz I have math test tomorrow and i can't afford to be wasting my time writing this. If I had time this would be like 10x longer. I've just learned that creating a goodbye thread is going to be probably gone in a week anyways. So I'd rather be studying right now. Basically thing is I've learned to create priorities in my life now. School will always be more important than gaming. Friends will always be more important than clan stuff. Drama will always surround my life. Bananas are yellow like me. Elephants have big ears. I am weird. Yah.

Basically the biggest lesson I've learned throughout my time here is:

That you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. So be who you are. Be who you want to be, if people don't agree with your decisions shove a banana up their bum bum.

For the haters I love you all. For all my friends you know who you are I don't feel the point of tagging you all cause you know my love for you is too strong.

Time to study for my test tomorrow, peace gentlemans and gentlewomens.


Jun 18, 2013
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Edit dammit
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Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
You were a great friend Andy, I hope we can still talk.
Good Luck with your life <3
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Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
Even though we've had our problems recently, its still sad to see you go. You created 2 of the best clans in MCSG, and made a positive impact on the community. I have a lot of respect for that. Good luck in the future.


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for this apology, Everything in this thread is all I wanted. I glad you realize the reasons for as to why I left. You truly will be missed, you were a great friend.


Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
It's really sad to see you go, I didn't get enough time to actually get to know you but from those little times I've talked to you I saw that you where a really chill guy and just one who seemed really helpful...sad to see you go </3
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