• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.


  1. clanlesss

    Halloween 3v3 Tournament

    Halloween 3v3 Tournament This tournament will start when the MCSG Maker start to work again. - Information - Total Teams : 16 Application Status : ON Team Speak : ts3-3.voicehosting.it:12102 If you wanna apply for join in the staff team add me on skype (infect.dark) - Staff - Admin -...
  2. Boran / NoHaxJustBeat

    Sparky [EU]

    Founders: NoHaxJustBeat , iLetch Date Founded: Jan 16st, 2016 EU Leaderboards Ranking: ? Contact for us: nohaxjustbeatcw All Clan Battles Records: ☑: 0 | ☒: 0 -Skype...
  3. ResidentsEu

    #Residents - (Eu)

    Date of Creation: 01.12.2015 Founders: PoisonousDiamond Skype: privatekiller11 Youtube: Resident Current EU Ranking:/ Current TR Ranking: / Clan Battle Records; 0|0 -TeamSpeak & Skype -A Working Microphone -14 Years Old [Excepcions] -Experienced With Clans -Be Active, be respectful, be loyal...
  4. BrutalEU


    ______________________________ Founders: Fearlesscome, BlondeCow Date Founded: Sep 01st, 2015 EU Leaderboards Ranking: 6 Teamspeak IP: Brutal.nitrado.net Contact for us: onur.karaman77 All Clan Battles Highlights: Playlist All Clan Battles Records: ☑: 82 | ☒: 3 ______________________________...