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Minecraft Survival Games #1- I'm back!?

Hey guys! Welcome to episode one of the Minecraft Survival Games! Today we play some Winds of Chance and we go over some basic stuff that's been going on with me and the channel!

IP: us.mcgamer.net

Forums: [url]http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com[/url]

Song Name(s): Sweet
Artist's Name(s): Trae & Iggy Azalea
Video Link(s): [MEDIA=youtube]O-zpOMYRi0w[/MEDIA]
(Trae doesn't own a YouTube chanel)

Channel(s): [url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcdOEjqjiVAnUtEFZIRTlHg[/url]
(Trae has no channel)
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