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MCSG w/OMGitsApple!

Hey guys sorry for not uploading for a week, school has been so hectic. I will try to post daily now that I have some free time!
-If you enjoyed the video feel free to like and subscribe!

---song Flashback by Uppermost

-Go check out the dude that made my new avatar! [url]http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPnV3re0q4gThVQzaE9DaZQ[/url]

Subscibe here: [url]http://www.youtube.com/user/hArd2beAt10[/url]
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Reactions: PyrusZodiac
I like your style of playing music instead of commentating but if you are going to do this then you might aswell mute the sound because its annoying to hear thunder when music is playing and please don't fast forward because hearing the bow and arrow sound is a ittle painful to my ears. I hoped I helped though. Keep on uploading please! :D

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