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I almost win??!? - Minecraft: Survival Games - Part 1

[COLOR=#00ffff][I][B]This is just a channel update video, where I tell you what is going on, and why I wont be making videos for the next while.[/B][/I][/COLOR]

[I][B]Listen to me, talk about random STUFF:D[/B][/I]

[U][B]Survival Games Website[/B][/U]: [URL='http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com']www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com[/URL]
[B][U]Main MCSG hub[/U][/B]: us4.mcsg.in

[U][B]Facebook[/B][/U]: [url]https://www.facebook.com/pages/CraftedLegends/146529892216997[/url]
[U][B]Twitter[/B][/U]: https//twitter.com/CraftedLegends

[COLOR=#00ffff][B][I]Please Subscribe to my Channel, If you are already Subscribed Many thanks (What do you guys want to be called???!?).[/I][/B][/COLOR]

[U][B]If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy my CHANNEL![/B][/U]: [url]http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHLw3Yq0Pt334ZFQGYzf5kw[/url]
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This is just a channel update video, where I tell you what is going on, and why I wont be making videos for the next while.

Listen to me, talk about random Good :D

Survival Games Website: www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com
Main MCSG hub: us4.mcsg.in

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CraftedLegends/146529892216997
Twitter: https//twitter.com/CraftedLegends

Please Subscribe to my Channel, If you are already Subscribed Many thanks (What do you guys want to be called???!?).

If you enjoyed this video, you may also enjoy my CHANNEL!: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHLw3Yq0Pt334ZFQGYzf5kw

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