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ZMaster777 MCSG/Minecraft Story.

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Mar 30, 2013
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It all started June 2012. My neighbor called me and told me to come over his house and check out a game called minecraft. At first I thought it was boring and I thought no one would play it. He eventually convinced me to play minecraft and I loved it. I bought it 2 days later. I went on my first server and thought I didn't like it and thats all minecraft was. I quit minecraft for about 4 months then I played it. Me and my friend found a server to play on and it was the best thing we could have wanted. We did so much on that server that if I logged on to it right now I would see the tower we built still up high in the sky. I took a 2 month break and then started watching Minecraft Finest. They got me into mcsg. I saw alot of videos with Bajan Canadian and checked it out. I saw that both of them played mcsg so I started. (Back then if you didn't have donor you would always get kicked) I got so mad about always getting kicked I just quit for about a week. I found out that the au servers were never full so I just played on those. At that time I had no wins so it was hard to get one by yourself. But a boy called ToeKnee123456 helped me get my first win. It was on SG4 I used a diamond sword he used a hoe. I really thank him for that because after that I won alot of games and alot of people thought I was good. I subbed to Toeknee and I saw that he was subscribed to a man Called Cobrastyles. I watched all of his videos and loved them all he was my idol. I saw Herobrinesmama teamed with him and like 3 days after I saw that video I ran into max. I saw him in a lobby and asked to team. He said yes and that patsrule123 was teamed too. At deathmatch we were gonna fist fight but I took a sword and killed them both.(ScumbagMove) I didn't think they would be my closest friends today but they are. Max gave me his skype and we started talking and the three of us were best friends dominating on the au servers.(Mostly peter) But a group of people kept stopping us. Their Names are Cobrastyles, nedscott, YoungWolfy, Ninja Irwin, Elisha_Mutang, and Hendrick. At first I thought elisha was a girl... I subbed to both YoungWolfy and Elisha. One time I teamed with all of them but then Doodleeldood had to backstab me. Hendrick saw my rage and ordered them to kill doodle. That was when the asian servers came out. Those people are my idols and still are. I learn from their videos and work up to be as good as them. I realized that the only way to be as good as them is to stop playing the AS servers. Me,Max,and Peter moved to the CA servers. We all got better and I got my hundredth win there. We were dominating and this time no one stopped us. We found a clan Called #TeamCelsius but it split up and now the same people are in #TheReturn. Max and peter have been amazing friends sticking with me and my ways and we are still as good of friends as we were when we first met. They help me push myself to my limits and when I do that congratulate me. I have my Idols to look up too and my friends to cheer me on.(Even though my idols barely know me) TeamReturn is like a family to me they are doing what max and peter are doing. They are pushing me to be the best and I thank them for that. They are part of my story and thats how its always gonna be in 10 year or even 20. Everyone that has been part of this experience is part of this story and they have all helped in in different ways. I am now at 200 wins and I could not have done it without any of you. Thank you all for being my Idols, Friends, and coaches.Thanks you to these people HackIFanPlease,Cobrastyles,MaxThekokiri,Patsrule123,YoungWolfy,Hendrick,ToeTheGamer,SkillzASC,Killyourbutt,Professor Retro,EvilAngelz, EvermoreHD, ZeRoyalWolf

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