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Tyson_Chicken's MCSG Story


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello people! As a few people may know my name is Tyson_Chicken, and I've seen quite a few of these stories circulating around on the forums, so I thought I'd make one.

So I started out back in July or August of 2012, a few days before SG3 came out. I was pretty decent at PVP, since I'd played minecraft for about 6 months prior and I had done a lot of pvp stuff before MCSG, though I didn't know where anything was, so I lost quite a bit. Then someone I used to watch on youtube, MeMyselfandPi, made a chestroute video for SG2, which was the most commonly played map back then. After I learned that, I started to win quite a bit. I got about 20 or so wins in about 2 weeks. Then Breeze Island came out, and I began to play that quite a bit. I actually enjoyed the map. Over the rest of the summer, about a month, I had gotten about 30 more wins and was getting at least 1 a day, playing about 10 games a day. Then school started and I started to play a little less, maybe 5 games a day, and got a little worse. Also, I was getting worse because my good computer broke, which had givin me about 200 fps, so I started to play on a computer that gave me 10-20 fps. Then I met someone in game I talked to for a few months afterwards, B1gtub. We won quite a few games, then I joined this clan called The Bungled, where I met a few cool people, such as Hawk62 and Hiqhlights, when we were all nubs. After that I left for a few months because of school, and came back during winter break to find out Hiqhlights was #1 on the leaderboards. But of course he forgot who I was, like everyone else. I played a little bit for a while, and got up to about 150 wins and left a few days after mcsg v2 came out due to school, again. I started playing again during spring break, and I played A LOT, like 100 games a day or so and lost a lot because I sucked by then, from the lack of pvp. I continued to play a lot after spring break because I had nothing else to do, and ended up losing a lot because of my terrible computer, giving me a consant 10-20 fps. I quit, again. I came back about 3 weeks ago to find out someone named graveyard had like 2000 wins. I thought that was ridiculous. I remember when zeejayy got 400 wins and it was a big deal. Then I joined this clan full of nubs called the Royals and met some nubs called Xerostyle1 and furretfan137, and a few other nubs. I started playing mcsg a little bit more and realized all the fun was gone from it. The community was basically crap, with everyone being total jerks to everyone. I got to my old goal, 200 wins, which took a lot longer than it should've, thanks to my 10 fps, just to realize 200 wins was a completely different thing than it used to be. It used to be '200 wins? This guy must be good'. Now it's 'You've only got 200 wins?' I guess what I'm trying to say by that is unless you've got about 800 or so wins, you aren't considered good. Also the fact that all these community maps got added, and it looked like it was becoming a quantity over quality matter with the maps. I'm not trying to rant here, or start a flame war with some of these remarks, but that's the opinion I'm entitled to. So, if you've managed to read through my boring story, (if you haven't guessed from the little rant above), I'm also saying I'm quitting, for good. MCSG isn't the fun game it used to be anymore.


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Your avatar is adorable, just sayin'.


Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Do edit the story to make it more, i feel like it's too unhappy right now ;(


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Do edit the story to make it more, i feel like it's too unhappy right now ;(
The really isn't anything that could make it more happy. I had a lot of fun playing a year ago, but the last month I played, it wasn't fun.

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