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TheHollowTV - Introducing Myself



My MCSG Story!
Hello Everyone of you awesome people of this awesome community known as MCSG! First thing first, I do not really get fancy with my posts. Moving on, my name is Hollow(a.k.a Matthew). I have played MCSG since Early 2012., though I have not played everyday. I started playing MCSG, but I never really got into it so much that I would play it all the time. I more of played other Mini-Games or other Survival Games servers. So about 2-3 months ago, I found BajanCanadian(a.k.a Mitch) and was excited about his server set. When it finally came out I started playing it but couldn't really get into matchs, so I bought Diamond Donor. Sadly the more I played the more I realised how much TheFridge sucks. So I recently started playing on MCSG again! I have already started a series on my Youtube channel for MCSG! I plan on uploading MCSG everyday(except when I upload a different type of MC Mini Game)! I have already posted 2 vids! So after playing MCSG for about a week with my friend... I decided to get into the forums. I already applied for Mod and got rejected. So I am currently revising my Mod application to make it perfect!
Random Facts About Me!
I am 15 years old( Turning 16 in October)!
I do Youtube and occasionally Live Stream!
I live in California, USA!
My goal for Youtube, as of now, is to get enough subscribers to get VIP on MCSG! xD

Well I hope you all enjoyed my MCSG story and I hope you all got to know me a little better. Have a nice day and may the odds be ever in your favor!


District 13
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
I still haven't introduced myself and I've been playing mcsg for a bit more than a week..


Ahh well, you should! I really enjoyed writing this post! I guess I just like writing about myself. lol

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