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Ryry636's MCSG Story (And some MCTF2...)


Apr 22, 2012
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I've been noticing a few of these and decided to make one of my own. The only difference is the gaps in my story because of all the broken computers I keep getting lol.

It all started in February of 2012! (I know a very long time ago :p)

February 2012: This is the month I convinced my Dad to let me buy the game Minecraft. After 3 days of waiting for the transaction to be approved after actually "buying" the game. I officially owned it. The first thing I did was play creative and build things based on my hobbies such as music.

March 2012: My computer broke. My the end of the month, my dad bought a new computer and gave me his old laptop. I started playing around with multiplayer and I figured out what "servers were". I was intrigued and after watching all of these youtubers playing "The Survival Games", I connected to these servers.

April 2012: While this isn't important, that's my birthday month. I really started playing MCSG a lot in April and downloaded skype to skype team with people :p. I signed up for the forums this month as well.

May 2012: I discovered that I could have a lot of fun building a map so I went about at a failed attempt of making a map for the survival games servers.

--- In case you were wondering, the people I am going to talk about in the next few months don't really play here anymore (some do) ---

June 2012: The computer my dad gave me broke and my mom bought me and my 2 brothers a computer to share (I was the only one who really used it...). I greatly anticipated the fact that school was going to end soon and I could play MCSG and minecraft in general a whole lot more!

July 2012: I found out what Teamspeak was which is what really started my great MCSG experience. The first week on teamspeak I was shy to talk to people. Then I opened up and started chatting with people (with my squeaky voice). Some of the first people I talked to were the likes of Blamph, Zeejayy, Antster, SixZoSeven, Ecmep, Harborseal, and a bunch more awesome people :D

August 2012: This is the month I found out about MCTF2 from non either than the infamous Exer60, my then friend. He was an admin at MCTF2 and encouraged me to apply for moderator. I was accepted for the position and balanced my time between MCSG and moderating MCTF2. This was also the month I met Pherrera who also got mod on MCTF2.

September 2012: School started back up for me which meant less computer time. I still tried to stay active on teamspeak, but not so much in game. At this point, I had a whole whopping 3 wins on MCSG since after Beta!

October 2012: I started playing a little bit more as I got adjusted to my school and homework schedules. Other than that, nothing interesting happened this month.

November 2012: The computer my mom bought us broke and I was left with no computer.

December 2012: Rather than my mom buying me a computer for Christmas, she gave me HER old computer... I was just glad to get back into Minecraft.

January 2013: Now I got back into the flow of MCSG and earned myself a couple (like 2) wins this month. I also met Dave (Life855) around this time on the creative server. Him being a mod (Sr. Mod? Admin? I duno) and me a regular player, I asked him what was happening with MCTF2 since Chad bought it and he replied to me that the project will be worked on that he will be one of the admins.

February 2013: The MCTF2 project began getting reshaped by Dave, GibboAssassin, Bic, Chad, and the devs along with Mr. Mustache and Kezzer as Sr. Mods. The only active mods at the time were AeraGraphics, TeIIo, and I. It was 7 days after a bunch of time spent talking to Dave, Gibbo, Mustache, and Kezzer that I was promoted to Sr. Mod at MCTF2.

March 2013: When all seemed to be going well, I started doing terrible in school so my mom took my computer away... until MAY!

April 2013: I pretty much stayed in contact with the internet and the staff of MCTF2 via my little brother's kindle fire. Birthday month again :p

May 2013: I got my computer back and started going on teamspeak a lot as well. At this point in time, I started talking to a lot of the MCSG moderators. A few of them encouraged me to apply for mod again so I did. During the last few days of the month, my mod app was accepted.

June 2013: I had my interview in the beginning of this month and was accepted for moderator. I was spam poked with Congratz about 50 times :/. I was taught what I didn't already know from the great mentors that were SixZoSeven and G33ke. Six taught me what to do in game and how while G33ke taught me how to write very long posts like this one, in a short amount of time. Shout out to G33ke lol

July 2013: Here we are now. So long as the servers are alive, I will be here. :)
- Forgot to mention that I broke my computer about 4 days ago. I am buying a desktop that can run minecraft on higher than 30 fps with the help of my brother. Soooo yeah. I wrote this on my mom's laptop and you may not see me for a while. Sorry!

Cool People/Honorable Mentions:

- Blamph
- Ecmep
- Cam
- Zeejayy
- SixZoSeven
- Antster
- Kezzer
- Mr. Mustache
- Dave
- Gibbo
- Pherrera
- HarborSeal
- Exer

Mods I Feel Like Giving a Shout-out to:
- Kristier12
- Cam (Again... lol)
- Logan
- PepsizPower
- JustAHotdog
- Veeza
- Ericoster
- TreeTheBigKind
- Everyone Else Who Knows I Would Give Them A Shout-out If I Didn't Have To Go Out Right Now!

Thanks for spending your time reading this incredibly long post!


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