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Player Application [davidredsox1234]

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May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Parker Glisson
IG Name: davidredsox1234
What will you use Player for: I would use the rank for many things, such as lava and water, seeing if I can make an automatic cobblestone generator. I would use it to my advantage, but not take for granted the abilities of the rank.
Any other information that will help your application: If I am granted the privilege of the rank Player, then I wouldn't abuse it. I wouldn't spam minecarts onto the paths between the plots, and overall, I wouldn't do anything that would cause the rank to be revoked. I want you guys to enjoy me being on the server, and not see me as a nuisance to deal with.
Plot Number: Plot #1: -20;13 Plot #2: -18;2
How long have you been playing on the Creative Server: I've been playing for a long time, but I would have to say almost a year now (as a rough estimate).
Have you ever been banned on the Creative Server: No, and I never plan to be that reckless and cause myself to be banned.

I, Parker Glisson (davidredsox1234), agree to not abuse the powers given to me by being upgraded to Player rank on the Creative server. If I am seen to be abusing my rank, I will accept the consequences of my actions and fully accept being stripped of rank and banned, as well as my plot removed from my possession. Also, if I bug a mod I realize I am less likely to be given Player rank on Creative.
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