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My MCSG Story



Helloooo I am doing my story (Its boring) Whaaa

I first played mcsg when I was watching Minecraftfinest and Bajancandian play mcsg, so I was like Ooh that look good. I bought Minecraft and started my mystical journey playing mcsg at the start I was a nubb, I started saying stuff like Tem in fountain and stuff like that... I got my first win and I was so happy I had a tear to my eye... I gradually got better playing with my a few of my friends throughout September to now...

January - I joined the mcsg forums Woohoo. I applied for a build team called egg elite (at the time) it was owned by Alex (He became one of my best friends but I will talk bout that later) while building in that team I met some really cool guys like Leech, Maxlupus and Blackhead.

February - Nothing really happened...

March - I started to become mod at many different servers like mctf2 (Leech introduced me and helped me get there and become mod ty Leech <3) I then Became mod on a serer Fax owned called mcgiants and many other servers. I noticed something amazing at mcsg... I was getting better at pvp :) earning more wins making more friends. I joined Teamelite as well what is truly fun and kind people all in it... I met Dave on Teamelite and the moment I talked to him I knew he was such a nice guy (He's gonna call me a suck up :p) I started to play the tekkit server and met really good friends there.

April - I became better friends with Alex playing mcsg with him talking to him alot on Teamspeak and skype playing game modes :p. This month was the month I started being more active on the forums.

May - The Happiest time yet! I encountered meeting Kezzer and noticed he was such a kind guy and helped me become mod so much, he was the one who accepted my mod app and was in my interview. I became moderator! I was so happy when I got it but the sad words where "You have to sing for us" In the interview my hands where shaking my palms where sweating :p I got way more friends and people where kinder to me (I wonder why?) XD.

June - I was more confident being a moderator and this month I met some really cool people like Echo, Jennifer, Sneeze, Wooders and Frondome there was so many more but it would take forever to do! I got my 40th win (that's not alot but still to me)

This month (July) - My friend Alex Got mod Again! met some more people played some more epic games ( I bet this is boring now?)

What I hope to achieve in the future - Get More wins. Kill echo alot more as he is a pvp pro :p. Make more friends as this community is great. Try and get Jennifer friend rank. Be the kindest person I can be. Much much more!

Cool people:
Alex - Epic/Kind guy always rages tho when I accidentally kill him xp
Leech - Great guy good at mcsg want to play more with him though
Echo - One of the funniest people I have ever met amazing at pvp calls everyone a hacker
Dave - Really kind person always helps with stuff
Wooders - Funny guy who is brilliant at the piano
Wronsiski - Dragons!
Jennifer - #SaveZietra
Kezzer - Rainbows (Also a really kind guy)
There is soo many more!

Im not too good at threads hopefully you enjoyed this...



Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Awesome. Glad to have been mentioned :D Hopefully youll get to your senses and start talking in TS though >:L <33 :D


Sadly I wont be for like a little while as my headset just broke trying to fix it or im going to have to buy a new one.


Destroyer of Worlds
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Team Elite buddy! :3


Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
#leechForFreind :p and thanks for posting me in this, im honored to be here with you buxty <3 It didnt show up for me in my alerts, sorry :D anyway thanks for all the nice things youve said to me and what youve done :D

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