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Meet the Spider of MCSG


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Probably should have done this a while ago... but...
I fell asleep. What a boss.

My name is Spidey3000, but many of you know me as Spidey3000. My real name will remain hidden for the likelihood of forever, but under certain, and most often, dangerous, circumstances, will be revealed in extreme, and partly subconscious, discretion.

I live in Bull Creek, which is a part of Perth, in Western Australia, in Oceania, in (mainly) southern hemisphere, on Earth, somewhere adrift in space, orbiting our main star, the Sun.

I am born on the 30th of December, 1997/1998/1999/2000/2001(For those of you who aren't bothered to do the maths, it basically means that I am between the ages of 12 and 16. But don't let my age fool you, for I am actually...

Extremely intelligent. Just check out my signature! Straight A student, and my best subject is maths(Why so much hate? :? ). OF course. Numerous awards, on a national and international standard, are hung up on my metaphorical mantelpiece. But I'm not like a child prodigy or anything like that...

I play table tennis and run track and field. I also play chess competitively and play the violin. Plus I like playing Minecraft, but I think that's something we all have in common. I know the programming language java, and are capable of making mods for Minecraft, though I find it boring and tedious work(I am a very lazy person.)

I humbly thank you for your time. If there (actually) are any questions, drop a comment!


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