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lucas_rag - My MCSG Story - A Little About Me


Feb 8, 2013
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Hi everyone, lucas_rag here sharing a little about me, and my stories here at MCSG. There will b ea lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, so bare with me xD.

So, lets start about how I started Minecraft. I got minecraft aound July of 2012. I got it and never played it once. My brother really wanted to play it so I gave it to him. HE played it for about 3 months, which I never played at all, and then decided to get his own account. I used to always make fun of him for playing tit because I didn't like Minecraft then. Finally, I stumbled across a youtuber who played Minecraft Survival Games. I can't seem to remember his name, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever! I searched up Minecraft Survival Games and found these servers (This was in about November). It seemed like I could never get in a game, so I decided to find a different server. I stumbled acroos uberminecraft. I started playing that with two friends (who now don't play minecraft). I slept at my friend's house and we played ALL day. After that, they didn't play at all, so I looked for a different server. I found SippieCraft. God how I loved that server. It was a tiny server and the games usually only had 5-11 people on it at once. I played that nonstop for about 2 weeks. God I was awful. After that, I started playing survival for a week and then got bored on a server called SuperEarth. Then, I started going on free build servers, buildin gin creative. That is all I did for about 2 months. I went form build server to build server finding servers and just building. I started to get really good at building! Then, I found this build off/free build server Christmas Day. This guy streamed everyday from 8 to 10 pm everyday doing build offs. On Christmas, He did a marathon where all the themes were christmas themed. Life was good. I started dedicating all my time to the build offs and free building. Soon I was the top build off person. (I had the most wins). I started playing free build an build offs and got to know the owner of the servers very well. Now just to say this was a small server, it only held 25 spaces. But no matter. I got to be great friends with the owner of the server. His name was MonkofMonkeys. Oh how i loved him so. Not long after, I became the head mod, then head admin. I was truly dedicated. Then they had a build off for spawn (10 days). And I won. Then he started to get very busy with IRL things and had to stop the build offs. I have been trying to contact him but can't get a hold of him :(. The server soon shut down. I haven't talked to him in a good 3 months. I miss him greatly. After that, I started playing survival games again on these servers. I donated iron. This was in about late January. I skype teamed with this kid name TrollaCake, and we played a lot. We soon became very good friends. WE played a lot, and I started racking up wins. Then my computer broke for a good 2 months and I could't play. When it got fixed, it was v2 and I kinda drifted away from Minecraft for a week or two. My brother no-lifed on my account, played about 450 mcsg games, and lost ALL OF THEM. I started playing again with my friend I met on mcsg. His name is ThE_GrEEn_Lu. WE are still very good friends to-date I started winning again and now have won one third of my games I played not my brother. I started going ont he forums, joined a clan and became a mod. I think I started getting known by a few people ( I am still not too popular). I started having fun ont he forums a lot. I am now in trial for the bUild TEam Xonia. WE are now here where we are today. I hope everyone enjoyed my story! Give me feed back!
A Little About ME
I was born in May 17, 2000. I live the southeast of the United States. I am in Central STandard Time. I have played soccer or futbol, since I was 3. I also water-ski, and do track and cross country. I also like to read a lot. I make avatars recreationally when I fell like it. I am very small. I am 4' 11". I have dirty blonde hair. MY hair is very short. I have an instagram but don't use it xD. It is lucas_ragula1 if you are a stalker and want to check it out xD. So I hope you enjoyed that tidbit about me!


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
I remember I used to Skype with TrollaCake too. Whatever happened to him?

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