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lucas_rag - 50 Facts About Me


Feb 8, 2013
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Hello everybody. lucas_rag here with 50 facts about my self. I hope you enjoy!
  1. I'm 13
  2. I was born May 17th 2000
  3. I am very short at 4' 11"
  4. I love soccer
  5. I have been playing soccer for 10 1/2 years
  6. My soccer team won regionals 2 years in a row now
  7. I play 3v3 soccer
  8. I have waterskied since I was 5
  9. I can snowski as well
  10. I run track for my school
  11. I run cross country for my school, and am MVP
  12. My Mom was born in Argentina
  13. My dad was born in Canada
  14. I was born and live in the United States
  15. I have brown/blonde hair
  16. I have short hair, which I like to spike up in the front
  17. I have mixed eyes that change colors
  18. I can roll up my tongue into 3 rolls
  19. I can vibrate my eyes
  20. I have played the piano since I was 3
  21. I lived through Hurricane Katrina
  22. During Hurricane Katrina, My family had to swim to my next door neighbors house because it had two stories
  23. In Hurricane Katrina, the streets had 6 feet of rushing water
  24. I live on the water
  25. I have a 17 foot hill coming from the water to my house
  26. I have two boats
  27. My boats are a Triumph and a World Cat
  28. I hate baseball
  29. I like to watch hockey
  30. I am awful at basketball
  31. I am going into the 8th grade
  32. I live in Mississippi
  33. I have been to 11 countries and three continents.
  34. Every year I go to Canada to visit my grandmother
  35. My soccer club is Gulf Coast United
  36. I have braces which really sucks
  37. In my spare time I like to run, practice soccer, and at night play Minecraft
  38. I have been top Goal Scorer in the last 3 years of my soccer team.
  39. I am the captain for my soccer team
  40. I got Minecraft in August 2012
  41. I am really good at building in Minecraft
  42. I am also Really good at PVP in Minecraft
  43. I am going to start youtube
  44. I would much rather watch a small you tuber then a large one
  45. I can make Minecraft Avatars
  46. Minecraft and FIFA 12 are my favorite games
  47. I am not gay xD
  48. I got to Bayou View Middle School
  49. I live in Biloxi
There it is guys! I hope you enjoyed that!

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