• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

It's Been Awhile


Sep 14, 2015
Reaction score
Hi! I'm the new kid on the block. The noob, you could say. But it never started that way. I wanted to post my first thread on MCGamer, or MCSG's, past. A hot topic that you're probably all bored of, but bear with me.
My name is Misjudged, and I've been apart of this community since 2012. Now you might jump ahead and say, "Well you're obviously lying because your account was created in September of 2015 #exposed," but chill for a sec. I have an old forum account and an old minecraft account that I can accredit all of my time on MCSG to. I've been playing since you had to manually type in the server IP address from the website that you had to refresh every 5 seconds to see how many players were in the lobby.
I've had so many great experiences on MCSG (I don't like calling it MCGamer because frankly put, MCSG was the name it was given in the beginning and I like it better.) My best experience on MCSG was when I woke up one morning and got on skype with my friend and he was freaking out. "THERE'S A NEW MAP ON MCSG." I logged on as fast as I could and discovered that it was Survival Games 3's release day. We tried to join a server for hours, and I'm not exaggerating, hours. The servers were so packed with donors, that we only managed to play 2 or 3 games on the new map that day. But, it was worth it.
But enough of that. I wanted to ask you guys, now that I'm back, what's been your favorite parts of MCSG. I know that people have been ratting on the community and calling it the, "downfall of the server," but I don't think that's true. However, I do believe that that feeling of excitement has been diminished. I know that a lot of people have been complaining about the NoCheat as of late, and many other things. I also know that many players have left the server for it's community. But, MCSG's community is what attracted me in the beginning. You didn't have to be good to play. No one even considered using a rod or an FNS as instruments for PvP. How can we bring it back guys? I'm not saying that it's left, and I still think that MCSG has the best community, but I want to hear your opinions on how MCSG has changed since you first joined the server.
Ok sorry 4 ramble​
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Nice to have more old players in the community! Welcome! Mind I ask what your old forum account was?


Sep 14, 2015
Reaction score
Nice to have more old players in the community! Welcome! Mind I ask what your old forum account was?
Haha I would, but I gave the account to my brother and apparently, or so he tells me, that it's got a "bad track record" now. Plus, it's pretty cringe worthy looking back on the messages that I posted when I was like 13 xD.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
It's good to see you back, whoever you may be! Now you've got me all curious though ;-;

Anyway, it's nice to reminisce on good memories and old times, hope you can make more now eh?


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hi! I'm the new kid on the block. The noob, you could say. But it never started that way. I wanted to post my first thread on MCGamer, or MCSG's, past. A hot topic that you're probably all bored of, but bear with me.
My name is Misjudged, and I've been apart of this community since 2012. Now you might jump ahead and say, "Well you're obviously lying because your account was created in September of 2015 #exposed," but chill for a sec. I have an old forum account and an old minecraft account that I can accredit all of my time on MCSG to. I've been playing since you had to manually type in the server IP address from the website that you had to refresh every 5 seconds to see how many players were in the lobby.
I've had so many great experiences on MCSG (I don't like calling it MCGamer because frankly put, MCSG was the name it was given in the beginning and I like it better.) My best experience on MCSG was when I woke up one morning and got on skype with my friend and he was freaking out. "THERE'S A NEW MAP ON MCSG." I logged on as fast as I could and discovered that it was Survival Games 3's release day. We tried to join a server for hours, and I'm not exaggerating, hours. The servers were so packed with donors, that we only managed to play 2 or 3 games on the new map that day. But, it was worth it.
But enough of that. I wanted to ask you guys, now that I'm back, what's been your favorite parts of MCSG. I know that people have been ratting on the community and calling it the, "downfall of the server," but I don't think that's true. However, I do believe that that feeling of excitement has been diminished. I know that a lot of people have been complaining about the NoCheat as of late, and many other things. I also know that many players have left the server for it's community. But, MCSG's community is what attracted me in the beginning. You didn't have to be good to play. No one even considered using a rod or an FNS as instruments for PvP. How can we bring it back guys? I'm not saying that it's left, and I still think that MCSG has the best community, but I want to hear your opinions on how MCSG has changed since you first joined the server.
Ok sorry 4 ramble​
Welcome back to the server! It's good to see that some old players are deciding to return.
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Haha I would, but I gave the account to my brother and apparently, or so he tells me, that it's got a "bad track record" now. Plus, it's pretty cringe worthy looking back on the messages that I posted when I was like 13 xD.
Lol, I know that cringe feeling. It's like when you go back and look and YouTube comments you posted 4 years ago...

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