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hi guise


May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Well, guess I might as well introduce myself here. Posed a couple of things, but have yet to tell everyone who I am exactly. :p

My name is Alan, but I go by 'Torperion' in game. I'm 13 years old, and played MC for over a year now. MCSG was actually one of the first servers I've been on, and it's still pretty fun to-date. One of my friends introduced me to it, but I've never really taken much of an interest in it until recently. While I don't plan on being too active, you can expect an occasional post I write. For the most part, I'm just here to meet members of the community, and forge my own opinions about the servers (As I've heard many before me from several sources, but never really knew what to think.)

Some stuff you should know about me:

-I'm currently a trusted member of Team Vareide, but also have ranks on the Mithrintia and Creative Node build teams.

-I'm an ex-member of Team Elite, but resigned due to several personal reasons.

-I currently help MCSG in the team Imagine Unit. Since my friend, sneeze7 has created a build team for MCSG, I figured that it would be a good way to help the servers and have fun with friends.

-I don't talk. Ever. If you ever see me on the TS, don't expect me to say anything. xP

Thank you for accepting me into this community, and hope to meet all of you in the coming days. :D

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