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Happy Thanksgiving MCGamer!


Sep 8, 2015
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I hope everyone is having a great day so far, I am creating this thread at 11pm my time so ill be referring to the future haha. Tomorrow is supposed to be a day for reflecting on all the things, all the people, and all the loved ones that make each and everyday worth living. I am honestly so filled with love right now and haven't really felt this way in a long time. Thank you MCGamer for bringing so many great people into my life ^.^

I am so grateful to be a member of the #staffteam scratch that, it should've been worded "i am so grateful to be a member of this family" and all our family love, or as TrebleMaker calls it, #staffteamyness I love all of you each and every, one of you for making my life a little better, a little happier, my smiles a little wider, my laughs a little louder, and my tears a little less watery xD

Imanol You're gum chewing drives me crazy! I love you so much thank you for always being there to make me laugh when i need it most

TrebleMaker Alyssa! you are so obnoxiously fabulous! GIRL I knew you were Treble when you walked in! seriously the best trainer ever despite my terrible hacker ID skills. Thank you for bringing life to our conversations and those hard forums questions lol.

itsbeny You are Tomy's twin... what more is there to say jkjk. You were there for me when I was going through a rough time, just know that i would do the same for you over and over again :D

Borderline Aaron! you are such a funny dude thanks for showing me the ropes when i first started <3 you make me laugh overtime we talk!

Bree_ Meeting you was one of the best things thats happened to me. Thank you for being so caring, so kind, and putting a smile on my face every single gosh darn day! Love you lots B-Ree-Toe

Upward Charles! thank you for being so real, for offering to be my mod buddy, showing me around, and being someone I can trust unconditionally.

ApexMC Chris!!!!! No words can describe how much I love you <3 You were one of the first mods I ever talked to.. you moved me in a channel full of mods, senior mods, and a VIP lol. Bambi you are so adorable and the hours in hangouts always manage to make me burst into tears laughing.

MythicalYT Connor! You were also one of the first people I spoke to when coming here. We don't get to talk much anymore but when we do I could just sit and joke for hours. Thank you for the fun times, the love, and for being YOU <33

LilBub Danni you mean so much to me and we haven't talked in a while but there was a time when we could be silent in a channel and I wouldnt be able to help it but just smile for hours. Thank you for being in my life.

Radiant Thank you for being there in "30secs" even though we all know it takes 3min xD

Frankyy Dylan we met because you "loved my singing" who would've known you would become my best friend. Thank you for being there for me no matter what, like literally, NO MATTER WHAT. You are the sweetest person I know and thats why I love you to death <33

Goldsminer I love you :D You are seriously one of the NICEST and most DOWN TO EARTH people I know I am so grateful to have you in my life <3

itstomy Tomy! Oh my I have no words for you mister! You have helped me through my loads of problems xD Thank you for being there whenever I need you I promise to be here anytime you ever need me. Brothers for life Tom ^.^

Lunarist Jackson I know Ive been saying "i love you" to all these wonderful people up there but you make me so happy. I am so lucky to have a friend like you, i feel like i can tell you anything, you help me with my girl issues, you are attractive AF. Thanks for being such an amazing friend I hope we get even closer :D

Jazza Freaking Jazza! Although you never come with me when I talk to other people I can officially say that you are my BEST friend. I tell you everything, you always listen and help me with things, I try to do the same for you but I can never repay you. Don't resign people love you, I love you. Tom you mean so much to me, people may think you're quiet but the Jazza i know is super funny, kind, caring, sarcastic, and just UGHH I LOVE YOU!!!! <333333

Kat oh Kitty Kat what will i do with you xP The first moderator i met, not spoke with but met lol. You yelled at my channel i was literally so scared ^.^ Who would've known how close we would get. Thank you for laughing insanely, cause its but more than a dozen smiles on my face haha. To the plenty more late night drives and bunny killing <3

Kaylie | Holidays huehuehue the one, the only, the Krazy Kaylie <3 you can literally laugh at anything, just being in a channel with you brightens up may day. You make me so happy you little poo.

KellieBreanne OH KELLIE!!!! underneath all that seriousness and sarcasm is a truly fun person and I'm glad I got to spend all the hours with you on teamspeak. Ive learned lots from you xD Your tough love is the best kind haha!

Axanite Liam Liam Liam come here and give me a hug! Thank you for being so supportive and for being with me through everything. Thanks for always caring and loving me i love you lots <3

NagolGames Logan! when i met you we would speak random spanish all night long xD Thank you for your sass, for being a great friend, and for making me laugh on the reg xD Love you Logie

Patrified EEEEK Patrick I love you man. Thank you for helping me whenever i needed help, for playing sg with me when I go crazy. Thanks for caring you are really an amazing friend.

_Pyrrhic Pyrrhic I love you!!!!! Girl you are the best art-doer I KNOW! Don't say you're not cause you are xD talking to you puts the biggest smile on my face. Thanks for the memories, the hangouts, the screenshots of you and your boost. You have been such a great friend, you mean a lot to me. I better see you soon!

Razuler Raz Raz Raz youve stolen the name of our dear admin xP You are my waiting buddy for life. We got through this together and hopefully we make our ways up together as well. I love you man, i can already tell, you are going to be such a close friend.

Giggums Ryan. is that a good enough reason to be thankful for you? Im sorry I'm such a bad kid but thanks for the tough love for being there for me whenever, oh and also for being my MOD BUDDY ^.^ I love you ryan. Like so much!

Techaton We dont talk much but you are a very nice guy. Thank you for making me laugh in every hangout <3 UGH YOU ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL FRIEND YOU KNOW THAT??

Pacador Sammypoo thank you for helping me through the rough times and for being my friend regardless. Having people like you in my life make me so happy and grateful. Thank you for everything sam :D

Razzledgirl Thank you for everything, for helping me be a part of this amazing family we have here.

Sebastian UGHH Sebastian you are so stubborn sometimes but I can't imagine not having you. I love you and no matter how much you deny it, I can tell. xP You're like a sibling to me we argue but i know you'll always be there for me. Thank you <3

Yannick I LOVE YOU YANNROOOS you're my favorite Aruban ;) jk no seriously you are my APPLE buddy! Thank you for being there for me, making me laugh, and just being a great friend. Im glad I met you!

iRocki OH MY GOODNESS You are the chillest! Thank you for being real all the time and staying on to talk and play SG with me whenever I need someone to talk to. You may not know how to bypass your timer, but i love you anyway ;) We'll always be the #dreamteam haha

Tiger Tiger!!!!! we don't talk much anymore but boy am i grateful for you! You are the reason why I finally decided to apply for moderator :D thanks for talking to me when I needed someone you are such an amazing friend.

TheLichBD HA you think I forgot... NOPE. Fernando you little! I love you so much and as much as it hurts me to see you go I know that its for the better. You were literally with me through my hardest days, thanks for coaching me, putting me back together, and being you. Every minute in a channel with you leads to laughing I swear xD I love you so much lich <3


There are so many people that have impacted my life positively and I LOVE YOU ALL FOR IT thank you for making me who I am. If you see this and you're not here by no means do I not love you!!!!!

Now that this list is over,
Share the love here!

Last edited:


Oct 3, 2014
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Thanks ANDREW! Words can not explain how nice you are! Thanks for being there for me :)


Apr 14, 2014
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Awh, nice thread! Happy thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! :)


Jun 3, 2013
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I hope you have a great thanksgiving. I love to see people sharing love between this holiday :p


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
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Woah, that's a long list.

I'm thankful for the opportunities I have, my family supporting me, the ability to go to school, the friends I have, the technology and internet, the food we eat, the water we drink, I'm grateful that I live in a "first-world" country even though America is pretty bad what with racist, selfish, unforgiving people, etc. but it's a lot better then living in Africa where kids constantly have to struggle everyday to survive. There's a lot that I'm thankful for and it's probably too much to count.

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