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Happy New Years!


Nov 25, 2015
Reaction score
Well, I understand I'm 2 days late, but I had to put effort in to this :)
these are not in any specific order.
if I forgot you, please let me know, I will add you and give you a description

SoupSalad: Thank you for being my friend, even though I put you through hell and back. Now that we're Moderators together (our legit dream), we can now talk every day!

TrebleMaker: Oh Alyssa and your trainings. Thank you for teaching me the lines of being staff and being there to answer me questions.

TotalDramaTony: Thank you for putting me through forum training, even though it was a process, I still made it!

Dave: Thank you for spam poking me in Staff AFK, love 'ya too.

Levi: Thank you for being my best friends Moderator buddy and teaching him the basics, and thank you for befriending me.

gabby_the_potato: Welp... Hi.. Lol, thank you for comforting me in channels and making me not feel alone.

Bree_: You're my mother, and you're going to have to deal with it. But thank you for putting up with my screaming and yelling and everything I do.

Yannick: Thank you for sending me all your selfies, and expect more in return.

KellieBreanne: Oh Kellie, thank you for playing Hypixel with me.

Chandelle Frankyy: Thank you for leading my interview, it was a pleasure, and thank you for accepting me as staff on the network.

Radiant: Thank you for talking to me in Moderator chats, I guess we've become friends.

Untiring iClarify GravityGrasperV2: Oh the triplets, thanks for playing SG with me and having good times.

Imanol: Thanks for talking to me on TeamSpeak!

Banterologist_: Thank you, because now you're going to teach me the basics on Clan Staff.

Ceroria: Thank you for being the only one that pokes me goodbye when I go, and accepting my Clan Staff application/quiz.

ApexMC: Thanks for listening to Twenty One Pilots, because now we can just jam out to them all we want.

Activis: Use your microphone, because it's needed.

Giggity69Goo: You're my Mod Buddy! Thank you for helping me along the way!

Woodsy_ Woodsyxo: Whatever forum account you use, IT'S YA BOI HOMEGOODS HERE. Thank you for talking to me, randomly, cause timezones, but yeah, you get the point.

Axanite | Liam: We talk! Thank you for showing me the basics on Pulse PvP and inspiring me to become Moderator on there.

Kat: Thank you for doing all my perm. bans on TS and talking to me.

AndyPandy: I love you, even if you choose to resign, just look at the DM I sent you. <3

Dylan // dylanz7040: It's just a prank bro! It's just a prank!

Giggums: <3

Razzledgirl: #brucebiscuits

Narwhal: Thank you for correcting my mistake today!

@myclan: Thanks for dealing with my screaming in CB's

Nikola: I will deal with all your report abuses ;)

TheMangoTiger: 10/10 art m8

I did not purposely forget people. I apologize if I did. Comment or DM me.

Happy New Year everyone! Cheers to this year, lets make it a good one.

Last edited:


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
and a happyyyyy Newwww yyeeaar!! (Sing it) <3<3
Happy new year mate :D

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