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GUIDE - Creative Guide - 2.0

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Jul 22, 2012
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Hello! We, Creepy_Crawler and Zephyr_11, are Creative Mods. We are here to explain to you the basics to you Creative experience. This guide will help you understand the following:

    • Commands
    • Moderators
  • Creative Moderators
  • Player Applications
  • Rules

Now let’s get started!


    • /plotme auto
  1. Automatically claims and teleports you to a plot to build on
    • /plotme biome <biome>
  1. Allows you to change your plot biome to customize it fully to the type of plot you want
  2. To access a list of the useable biomes, /plotme biomelist
    • /plotme home
  1. Takes you back to your assigned plot
    • /plotme info
  1. Shows information about the plot you’re on
    • /plotme clear
  1. Clears your plot back to the default flat land
    • /plotme add
  1. Adds a player, your friend, to your plot so you may build with him/her
    • /plotme remove
  1. Removes an unwanted friend from your plot. They will no longer have permissions to build


The Moderators and Creative Moderators are there to help you with your experience on the Creative Server. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask one of the Moderators. The moderators are not mean, they are enforcing the rules. Any arguing with them can and will result in serious consequences.

**Note** - Moderators and Creative Moderators are not there to look at people’s builds. They are there to moderate and help. Please do not ask them to look at your builds, they are busy with moderating the server and doing reports.

Creative Moderators are slightly different from regular Moderators. They are mostly dedicated to Creative and they have the authority to respond to your Player Applications. If you have any questions about Creative, ask a Creative Moderator.

**Note** - If a Creative Moderator denies your Player Application, do not give them trouble about it. Just simply post a new one and see if you improve.

-=-=Player Applications=-=-

Player Applications are to evaluate if you are trustworthy and responsible enough to have access to Redstone and Rails. You application will be viewed and you will be either ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you are accepted, notify a Creative Moderator so that they may give you your Player Rank. If you are denied, you may reapply and try to improve the reason of why you were denied. Here is how you post your player Application.

Post as: [Username - Player Application]

IG Name:
What will you use Player for:
Any other information that will help your application:
Plot Number: (This can be seen by doing /plot info above your plot)
How long have you been playing on the Creative Server:
Have you ever been banned on the Creative Server:

I, (insert name), agree to not abuse the powers given to me by being upgraded to Player rank on the Creative server. If I am seen to be abusing my rank, I will accept the consequences of my actions and fully accept being stripped of rank and banned, as well as my plot removed from my possession. Also, if I bug a mod I realise I am less likely to be given Player rank on Creative

**Note** - Bugging a Creative Moderator about your Player Application will have a negative effect of your acceptance.


Rules are enforced more strict than on your regular MCSG servers. You get only one warning then it’s a kick, and then a ban. Follow the rules and you will not get banned.

Rule #1 : Don’t overuse caps.
Rule #2 : Don’t use any profanity
Rule #3 : Don’t use any racism, sexism, or homophobia
Rule #4 : Don’t roleplay
Rule #5 : Don’t disrespect staff
Rule #6 : Don’t abuse players
Rule #7 : Don’t abuse your rank
Rule #8 : Don't build inappropriate plots
Rule #9 : Don't advertise
Rule #10 : Don't spam chat
Rule #11 : No countdowns

**Note** - Any rules not placed on this list does not mean that it is not enforced on Creative.

We hope you are satisfied with Creative and learn from this guide. This was Creepy_Crawler and Zephyr_11, signing off.
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