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Ferno33's MCSG Story (so far)

Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys ferno here I heard a lot of people are making these types of threads so I believe I would waste some of my time to create one as well xD

I started mcsg around the time when sg2 had just came out. I had found the servers along with my friend mantas and we played constantly and had a lot of fun :)

I then stumbled along the forums around a month later and created my account, I found out there were clans around and I signed up and later got accepted for the blamphs, this is when I was introduced to teamspeak, this is where I met a lot of my mcsg friends, Zeejayy/ Rivalize, SixzoSeven ,edog and ryry I played around 10 games wih then and finnaly I got my first win against zeejayy (the world #1 at the time) this is where I started to break away from my Skype friends like lordofthetnt and mantas1997 and started playing more competitively and started climbing up the leaderboards.

Months later after successfully getting into the top 200 in the US leaderboards I finally realized there was eu servers (im from the uk xD) this does sound very stupid considering I was from the region but I never really knew there was another server than us22 for a month whilst playing with mantas xD

around 90 wins later I find this event called "The Hell Games" I had previously watched the first 2 streams of the event and thought it was my time to enter :), this is when I met Duckluv312 whom was my district partner in the Hell Games 3. I believe I over coached her since me and her had the least amount of wins out of all the people in the event xD, we did pretty amazing for our rankings with the other players but none the we did both end up dying ,duckluv died around 10th whilst I stumbled my way to 4th.

Not long after I started to come back onto the ts and a I made a few more new friends including, Amelia , NoahSailer and EdtheG I spent a lot of weeks chatting with them in the ts and had lots of exiting matches xD

Not so long ago I joined a clan called team Nitride I was there for around a month and somehow had already made my way to head admin, after our failed attempt at the clan wars beta puffle had resigned as owner, around a week later I was called in as the new Nitride owner, I have since given up my role to echo for around a week then he became a mod again and I am back to being an owner of the clan :)

Now I am in California and am playing constantly with a lot of my old us friends and especially with my brothers lordofthetnt , maxwell117 and Earth_Dog. none of which are talented pvpers but I'm trying to train them to get as good as me some day xD

I am currently #200 on the world leaderboards and hopefully one day ill finnaly make into the top #100 :)



Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
Gg 1$t your story is kind of like mine but I didnt make many friends over ts.

I would love to meet you some day

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