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Fats MCSG story


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Greetings everyone and as you can tell by my title I'm doing a MCSG story.

So let's start of with how i got into minecraft. One day my good friend fatmannumbah7 (fat7) same over and told me about minecraft, I said it sounds dumb but he made me download the free version. I played it for an hour then just gave up and I told him I hate the game it sucks. So I pretty much gave it up. Nearly a week after I decided minecraft sucked I went on my computer and gave it a second shot. But this time around I really liked when I faught for my life against mobs. fat7 came over again and I asked him "Wonna play minecraft?" he was shocked and said yes. So explained how I love the fighting in the game, looked at me smiled and exited out of minecraft put on safari went on YouTube and showed me the Youtubers survibal games! I was hooked, I needed to play it so I told him "Let's play that!" Then he explained how I need the full version, talk about a buzz kill. Once he left I went searching for Minecraft hunger servers and about 20 minutes of searching I found it the one thing I was looking for MCSG. The first thing I did was make a account witch is the one I do not use. I tried with my life to get on these servers then I suddenly stoped and frowned I remembered what fat7 told me. I was heartbroken for a second time! So 3 weeks later I finnaly got the full version of minecraft! I hopped on it typed in the IP and played! I had a blast but I lost :(

Starting out on MCSG. It's been almost a month since I started to play I'd do good come secong every now and then but still no wins :( I woke up really early one morning to play MCSG and Breeze was voted ouch! So I got leather armour a wood sword. I ended up killing someone with better armour and a stone sword I was destined for deathmatch! Once DM started I turned to my left I see my worst nightmare a decked out guy! Luckily I caught him off guard got some hits off him pinned him on the montain and killed him!! Holy crow did I actually just do that! I looked around seen the other guy flee and he died by Zeus (lighting bolts). I won I actually won a game boy I was super pumped!!! After that win my wins department piled up I got to 40 wins and something magical happened I discovered clans!

Discovering clans! I poped into a game and a guy did #Rebels so i started to do it monkey see monkey do. He's like wait your not in my clan and I asked him what is a clan so he explained what a clan is to me. Another gut offered me once i got 20 more wins I can join the ex-rebels. So I got the 20 wins went on the forums created the fatmannumbah8 account and went to go apply for the ex-rebels. I could'nt find them for the life of me so I went hunting for a new clan. I stumbled across the romans I was only 10 wins away! I quickly got those 10 wins and applied. Went on the next day 1 alert I got the reply! I staired at the screen and was sad I was declined the roster was full! Two weeks later the romans decided to cut some people and I re-applied and got accepted! Later that week I quit the romans to make my own clan did not go well :( . Then the Ca servers same out! I made my own clan and it got sorta popular but everyone left it to go to the rivals clan. So I went to the rivals clan to and made the leader mad got kicked and made The BeastsOfCA. Boy this clan was popular almost a full roster and talent! I was happy then the page turned to a spam page and people were inactive, hackers were joining it was madness, so I did what I had to do disban the clan! I was sad so were the officers and the rest of the members. So two weeks later I made the Unnamed witch turned into another spam page! So I got mad and disbanned it!

Current days. I am doing fine making new friends and reporting many many hackers. Currently I am the leader of the Psychos clan witch is doing ok but the applications to get in are slow so yeah :/ I'm also popular on the Ca servers. I'm trying really hard to get to that Active Member status! I'm also looking to get to the elite/pro skill level on the MCSG servers with 150 wins I think I'm well on my way. So that was my story I hoped you liked it ratings are very much appreciated and I'll be super happy if this can get 10+ likes so that's my challenge to you reader xD. Thx for reading!
~fatmannumbah8 Proud leader of the Psychos clan.

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