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Build Showcase


Jul 21, 2013
Reaction score
Nothing big or major, i deleted all my worlds before i joined on here so i had nothing to proove that i can build, im not one for big builds as i play mostly solo, however i would LOVE to join in a big build and or any SG maps. I love using redstone and finding new and unique ways to hide chests, without glitches and bull crap. If you like these videos and you are working on a SG map, please consider asking me to help, i have a fair ammount of time on my hands, and im not a 14 year old -_-.
Check out the vid (im getting a mic soon for skype/vent/TS) and let me know what you think!

I know.. im not the best at designing structures, but im damn good with riddle locks!
In this video i do not show how to access the double chest, incase i decide to use that riddle on a SG map, there are a total of 3 chests hidden in the one house, i only show two. In a real SG map i would not put that many chests in one location. I am just showing that i can hide them well. (The third chest is in the "Wood Storage" area, underneath and behind the block the ladder is placed on)

Please let me know what you tihnk and let me join you in some builds!!!


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