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Alex giving his final word...


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
So guys,

Some of the old mods will have know me for a while. You would have remember that me and life855 get mod at the same kinda time. He introduced me to MCSG to be fair. Here's a cool story, I meet Dave while on the tekkit server, me and my bro tiddy67 were chilling in the area then he logged in, we did not know what to do so we started to hide in the cave system in his land. Luckly PVP was off otherwise I am SURE that he would have probably killed us both, but know, thank goodness it was off. He kinda hired me to help him build the factories. He got mod and then I noticed that there was the recruitment team for the Tekkit Builders. I applied and then a few weeks later I was accepted for Tekkit Builder. Then I applied for Creative Builder and got that! Then Dave got Senior Mod and he told me that I should become Mod. I applied and then hey presto, after around 3/4 months my application was accepted and I was ready for a interview. When it came to my interview I got so nervous that I had to close every application that was running except Teamspeak just to make sure. Anyway I got Mod and I was glad!

The first people I meet were Joshkey, kezzer1995, MyNameIsSaar and Frondome (there may have been more) that was because they threw me into the mod chat that had around 20/25 mods in and around 5 or 6 donors. I did not know what to do really all I remember was the spam poke of Josh spamming me with "Congratz" and that was kinda nice :) I started to actually get into Minecraft Survival Games and started a youtube series on it with my bro's and then just started to chill. I started to actually then get involved with other staff like GibboAssassin and then it seemed that I had meet a crazy person like me. I started to talk to Gibb alot and found out that if we do something silly we burst out with laughter and then do a kinda howl noise. I have stopped that now, I don't know about Gibb.

Then someone told me about Josh's build team "Team Elite". I applied there and felt at home. I started to meet other staff members that worked there and then I started to talk to Josh more. I became the Server Manager dealing with all the back-end server stuff. I started to then work on things like Web Developing and Web Creation and then I also became the Web Developer for TeamElite but that never lasted, me and Josh agreed there was no need for it so I stopped the website. Then stuff happened and I left but I still wish them the best of luck.

You mind find that all boring but that is about 25% of my memories of MCSG. I am writing this because I find that if I do so, I will be able to follow up my passion of Web Design And Development. I will miss you guys and you can always catch me on the Teamspeak and on the server on the picture in my signature. Just click there and you can find me there. I will miss you guys and I hope to talk to you all more in the future.

I hope that there will be a place for me in the future. If I ever do come back, I will come back more dedicated and more ready!

Just remember, do not do what I did, do not start something you can never finish...


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Sad... Sorry to see you go :(


District 13
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Good luck alex, you will be missed.


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
I wish you all the best Alex, thanks for leaving on a high note as well.
Never forget about MCSG :)


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Bye D= another mod gone ._. WHEN WILL THIS STOP!

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