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2015 - What a year, eh? / Hiatus


Apr 24, 2014
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Hello MCGamer,

Over the course of reading this thread, you'll more or less be hearing the phrase "What a year" quite frequently. Although, as I was looking back on all of the experiences and achievements that i've achieved in 2015 quite recently, it was quite blatant to see that there were a ton of milestones that i've personally reached in the course of 365 (factually, it's only been 351 but eh'..) grueling, life-changing, spectacular, unforgettable, gleeful days and i'd be more than willing to attempt to list various major ones on this thread in chronological order.


Let's start at the genesis now, shall we?

February 16th
- What a year. Alongside FusionDeck and others, we've accomplished a quite user-engaging map, fairly known as "Thorndon Valley". Although I didn't exactly help as much as I initially intended to, the outcome was still fantastic and I was ecstatic to view it being in the surreal process of being moved into the accepted maps sub-forum and spontaneously receiving VIP (Now, Map Maker) as a reward. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, FusionDeck & Ladous.

March 17th - My birthday, of course. Can't really forget that. Thank you, me.

April 8th - What a year. The day I was conducted an interview and accepted for moderator (somehow). Special thanking to Nick, Bowser52000 and Vanessa for sticking up with my struggle to even vocalize my answers and wait patiently to the end of it. I honestly don't know how you had time to do that but nevertheless, you three fantastic human beings especially need to know how much you've changed my e-life positively. I've created many new friends and enemies but that's what life's more or less about because of you three. I've experienced what it's like to work closely alongside fellow colleagues both seriously and sarcastically at times. Obviously, i've experienced what it's like to become an MCGamer moderator and I don't regret a single spec of my experience on that wonderful staff team. Thank you, Nick, Bowser52000, Vanessa & the staff team. (Waiting buddies for life, JDusk, bad2020 & Childish Gambino <3)

June-ish - What a year. I was somehow overly excited due to the sheer fact that I received an "A" on my physics exam. Twas' kind of hard ya' know. Afterwards as a reward, my loving parents decided to drive me to Tim Hortons for a celebration snack/lunch. I know you're jealous. Thank you, Mr Sparrius.

July - August - What a year. I embarked on an action-packed exhilarating, adrenaline-pumping adventure to Kenya and Seychelles for the summer vacation. Both countries had their up's and down's although in the end, both reign superior countries. Seychelles has their soothing spa's and calming beaches whereas Kenya has heart-pumping safari trips and quite interesting culture(s) including their traditional dress, food, songs etc. I wouldn't really mind hopping over to both countries for a second round. Thank you, Seychelles & Kenya.

September - October - What a year. Although I sadly can't fully remember when I was fully accepted into the team, it was around this general time-frame in 2014 which basically emphasizes that i've currently been on the Invictus Build Team for well over a year now and this team has exceptionally taught me additional tips and tricks in regards to building-wise tactics and I personally am happy to have the privilege to thank Shelby for not only being a fantastic, organized leader but always being there whenever anyone (including me at times) was feeling "down in the dumps". I've had quite a few in-depth conversations with this spectacular human being and I have to say, she's one hell of a civil, outgoing woman to talk freely to. Thank you, Invictus & Shelby especially.

December 11th - What a year. I made the decision to resign after 8 months of continuous service at MCGamer as a hard-working moderator. If you would like any in-depth explanations as to why I made this decision when I was given countless chances to stay, click 'here' to view my resignation letter. 636 moderator actions (kicks, mutes, bans etc) as of April 8th -> December 11th. I'm quite proud of that. Thank you, staff team once again.

December 17th - The day this thread finally came out and my fingers were figuratively dead after typing all of this (and my brother's birthday today. He turns 18 - wowzah!)


Of course, there would be an endless amount of mentions mainly revolving stating who's made a significant impact on my life but I personally believe that performing this would be bias on some occasions. But as i've mentioned in the past, you know who you are if you've made an impact on my life and you especially know how much i'm grateful for that.

On a more broader, sadder note, this may be my last ever post as a moderator (on the forums) and it sure will most likely be my last thread created on here for a long while. It may be my last general MCGamer post in a while too, but i'll be more than willing to frequently whizz through my wall when I have the spare time to. It would be a rare occurance to ever spot me in-game currently, although in terms of Teamspeak i'll be frequently visiting when I can.


Phew, what a year it's been.
To finally end my final (I guess) moments here in this wonderful community in 2015,

I bid thee a happy christmas and of course, a merry new year to you all. (Did I get that right?)

Signing out,

For the people who're wondering what's next for me, i'm currently spending a lot more time socializing with friends who enroll in my school but also old, old friends (back from kindergarten even!) as I haven't really been showing them how much they truly mean to me and it's the time of year when we're advised to do that in the name of christmas! Alongside that, i'm focusing more on my in-game hobby which is in fact building. I've been in many build teams in the past and i'm not exactly afraid to migrate onto other servers and build for them etc. Never be afraid to try something new, haha.

Now, as a final question - what were your most memorable, embarrassing, prideful moments in the span of 2015?


Aug 20, 2012
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Mmmmmm, what a year it has been, Jazza. I'm glad to see you're sorting your priorities, and have fun being with your friends!


Aug 8, 2014
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I definitely miss the Beyond days, being a noob at CS:GO, staying up for 3 days straight, Half Life campaigns, Lua and Java coding, and most of all I will miss steamrolling on the final great days of MCSG.


Aug 5, 2014
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Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwhaaaaaaaat aaaaaaaa yyyyyeeeeeeeaaaarrrrrr.

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