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Cadbane's Amazing Story of Epicness

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District 13
Jan 9, 2013
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Hey guys! Most of you may recognize me, but you probably don't know that I actually started playing back in July of 2012. So here's my story:

March-May 2012: At this time, I had been playing minecraft for around 9 months. I had just recently saw the movie "The Hunger Games." I became obsessed with trying to find a good minecraft hunger games server. Don't ask me how, but I somehow wasn't able to find mcsg. So instead, I was playing MCPVP Hunger Games. These servers had 150 players and allowed you to break blocks. I was playing on these server or a few months.

Late July 2012: I had just gotten back from my annual 5 week vacation, and I was ready to get back to playing minecraft. I called my best friend Delention on Skype, hoping to play MCPVP HG with him. However, the first thing he said to me was "join us18.mcsg.in." (Yes I still remember the server :p). I was pretty confused, until he explained everything to me. I was so excited that you could ACTUALLY spectate and that there were only 24 tributes. Delention told me to watch CaptainSparklez's and AntVenom's hunger games vids, so i did. I was SOOOO excited to start playing.

August 2012: My very first game was on sg1. I was so nervous that I was shaking the throughout the whole game. All I really remember was that I went to the ruined castle and I ended up dying late in the game. After that, Delention and I would play so much mcsg. He showed me all of the chest routes: the pink house, the pirate ship, etc. We even block glitched A LOT, but I regret doing it and I no longer do it. We made it to the final 2 a number of times, but he would always beat me. I finally got my first win when I pushed him into the lava on the old deathmatch arena. I was so happy :3

September 2012:
This was when I started to get kind of decent. I would still die a lot, but I managed to win solo a few times. I remember winning a game solo on a 48 player server in sg3. It was awesome. My role model back then was Sixzoseven. He was really high up in the leaderboards with like 600 wins I think. I would always remember seeing him in a game with full iron and I'd just say "of course." By the end of the month, I was at around 10 wins.

October-November 2012: I uploaded my very first mcsg video to youtube in early October. This was when sg4 had just come out. At this point, I was a pretty good player with good chest routes. However, I would play almost all of my games with delention and he would always beat me. I was at around 30 wins.

December 2012: During this time I didn't really play much mcsg.

January 2013: Wow. This is the turning point in my mcsg story. One day I was surfing youtube and I saw a video by a guy called Blamph (He only had 700 subs at this time). I was instantly OBBSESSED with his vids. I watched all of his videos in just a few days. He was the guy that got me really into mcsg. I used his routes, tips, tricks, etc. I also started watching other youtubers such as nate252. Because of them, I became a better overall player. Also, this was the month that I first made a forum account and bought donator.

February-March 2013: During this time, I was playing mcsg A LOT. Every day, in fact. This was when i discovered ThatOneTomahawk. He ans Blamph were my 2 favorite youtubers. I reached my 100th win in early March.

April 2013: I reached my 200th win. I was a very skilled player at this point.

May 2013: I reach 300 wins and get into the top 250 in the world. My mommy was vewy pwoud of me (no not really).

June 2013: I take a huge break from mcsg by going on my annual 5 week vacation.

Early July-Today: Today, I'm at 349 wins. I'm also making an mcsg map with my friend, and its going to be awesome when its done.

There aren't many people I'd like to thank, since I never Skyped people on the Internet until recently. Anyway, here they are:

Delention- for starting me with mcsg

Sixzoseven, Blamph, nate252, and Thatonetomahawk- for all inspiring me to play mcsg and making me a better player

Half_Squirrel- who inspired me to go on the forums a lot

The MCSG Staff- for making mcsg an awesome place to be

My subscribers- for being AWESOME


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Good story, but did you have a different account before? It says you joined Jan. 9th 2013

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