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CaptainRockons Sad and Happy story C:


Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
December 2012- I was watching all of thee youtube stuff and I then saw survival games. I loved it so much i searched it up on google. Then I found this website. I was like what the hell is this. When i logged into the servers i was a total noob at minecraft. One of my first game ever on eu I didn't even know how to sprint :/. Thats when I met this guy called fatboy some numbers. We were and in game team and we were the biggest noobs you could ever think of. We got backstabbed by this persona dn we started to freak out. I was about to cry when it happened. Since I was noob I raged like nub. That was the end of that month after getting like 1 win.

January 2013- I finally get my 10th win. Me and fatboy were still ganging up a bunch I was still noob. We acted like we were good until i met BlueMoonP. He would always kill me it wasn't even funny at all. So after getting bored of eu servers I move to au servers. I get skype and teamspeak at that time and now I was ganging up with my skype team with robolag5678. Me and him ruled the au servers until we met Kytria, Darkrai202, Daybreak, you name it. So many good players were on au1 all the time. I was sucking. I got my 40th win after this. At this time I met Builda_Br3tt. We became the biggest rivals climbing the leader boards.

February 2013- I was starting to get good past my 50th win and rockin with robolag still. Me and him would team every single time I saw him. I was getting to my 70th win when robo quit for 2 weeks. I was sad during that time but i got my 80th win at the end of the month! Builda was at 100 and I lost hope.

April 2013- This is when I turned pro. Me and robolag became almost untouchable during this time. We were awesome. I was getting really close to my 100th win when robolag5678 quit again. I got him to come back, so we started playing again. I got my 120th win at the end of the month! Builda left au and I didnt know where he went.

March 2013- Almost to my 150th win I got ban for abuse to a moderator. I had it coming to me when I said and for that im sorry ;(. After 3 days of that banned me and robo were rocking it out again! I started making way better friends. I actual became popular in this month on the au servers. I got my 150th win and I was happy:).

May 2013- Got to my 200th win and im on fire. This is the month when I moved to us servers and Im rocking on them right now. Robo moved to us servers to. This is when i met fatboy again. I barely remembered him so I backstabbed him. I took a solid 2 weeks off of minecraft. This was the end of the month.

June 2013- I reached 300th wins and I was rocking. This is the month where I made the most friends in it. I made a very nice person whos ign is progolfer some numbers. Ben and I skyped all the time. Thats when I met Iamazing. He was pretty nice I thought. I killed Ben in match because he was teamed with Iamazing and Luwiny. Thats when i met my best friend NewieLordArbiter :). HE was spectating me and i asked for his skype because he was ben's brother. From that day on we became amazing friends. I made a lot more friends to put on this list. 350th wins at the end of the month.

July 2013- So close to my 400th win. Thats it thx.








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