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Trostetic [US Clan]


Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
lololol you couldnt even get into clan wars xD
I'm not really interested in your immaturity right now kid, so if u wanna talk some trash, feel free to come on our TS and actually talk.


Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not really interested in your immaturity right now kid, so if u wanna talk some trash, feel free to come on our TS and actually talk.
Come on your teamspeak? You're the one who's scared to put it on your thread to the public.


Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Umm You see how we don't even respond yet people in the community help us out, that's when you stop posting on this thread.
See how i honestly don't care what other people say on a Block game forum website. However, the fact that u wont post a loss is pretty hysterical in itself. So please man, quit talking to me like i care about rep, what u say, how u act... Because honestly i don't give 2 Sheets about what people over the internet's opinions are about me. On top of all that, u sit here and act like Synergy is bad and stuff when we never once did anything to u, yet that's considering that 1/2 of the community bandwagons the fact of hating Synergy because they think it makes them look cool. Kind of like u think you're looking cool by hating on Synergy and telling us not to post on this thread. The funniest part of this whole situation, is that fact that u have the audacity to come on here and tell me to quit posting when this clan is the one at fault for not posting a loss. Don't some of u guys just have better things to do than argue about something you're not even involved with. Peace man, 5-3 Synergy Win over Trostetic.


Feb 25, 2014
Reaction score
See how i honestly don't care what other people say on a Block game forum website. However, the fact that u wont post a loss is pretty hysterical in itself. So please man, quit talking to me like i care about rep, what u say, how u act... Because honestly i don't give 2 Sheets about what people over the internet's opinions are about me. On top of all that, u sit here and act like Synergy is bad and stuff when we never once did anything to u, yet that's considering that 1/2 of the community bandwagons the fact of hating Synergy because they think it makes them look cool. Kind of like u think you're looking cool by hating on Synergy and telling us not to post on this thread. The funniest part of this whole situation, is that fact that u have the audacity to come on here and tell me to quit posting when this clan is the one at fault for not posting a loss. Don't some of u guys just have better things to do than argue about something you're not even involved with. Peace man, 5-3 Synergy Win over Trostetic.
lol ur Good.


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
See how i honestly don't care what other people say on a Block game forum website. However, the fact that u wont post a loss is pretty hysterical in itself. So please man, quit talking to me like i care about rep, what u say, how u act... Because honestly i don't give 2 Sheets about what people over the internet's opinions are about me. On top of all that, u sit here and act like Synergy is bad and stuff when we never once did anything to u, yet that's considering that 1/2 of the community bandwagons the fact of hating Synergy because they think it makes them look cool. Kind of like u think you're looking cool by hating on Synergy and telling us not to post on this thread. The funniest part of this whole situation, is that fact that u have the audacity to come on here and tell me to quit posting when this clan is the one at fault for not posting a loss. Don't some of u guys just have better things to do than argue about something you're not even involved with. Peace man, 5-3 Synergy Win over Trostetic.
It's hilarious how your basis for getting a win is a made up, nonexistent rule. Please show me in the rules where it says if a clan disbands, the other clan wins.

Oh and people don't bandwagon when they dislike you guys; the way you act on the forums makes your clan seem like a cocky, unrespectable clan. The sheer fact that you believe that people just bandwagon, and can't admit everyone just hates you, just shows your arrogance and unwillingness to accept your flaws and improve on them.


Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not really interested in your immaturity right now kid, so if u wanna talk some trash, feel free to come on our TS and actually talk.
cant get on ur ts, remember? and how are u gonna say im immature when you JUST said to crimson they 'got smakt' in clan wars ? xD


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
See how i honestly don't care what other people say on a Block game forum website. However, the fact that u wont post a loss is pretty hysterical in itself. So please man, quit talking to me like i care about rep, what u say, how u act... Because honestly i don't give 2 Sheets about what people over the internet's opinions are about me. On top of all that, u sit here and act like Synergy is bad and stuff when we never once did anything to u, yet that's considering that 1/2 of the community bandwagons the fact of hating Synergy because they think it makes them look cool. Kind of like u think you're looking cool by hating on Synergy and telling us not to post on this thread. The funniest part of this whole situation, is that fact that u have the audacity to come on here and tell me to quit posting when this clan is the one at fault for not posting a loss. Don't some of u guys just have better things to do than argue about something you're not even involved with. Peace man, 5-3 Synergy Win over Trostetic.
You know what I really hate? I hate how you say "I honestly don't care what other people say on a Block game forum website." You have been arguing to tell a clan to put up a loss in a block game , so you must have a bit of care for this. Also I love how you think writing this message will make you look mature when actually this made you look like a idiot.

My name is ray and I approve of this message.

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