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Top US MCSG Clans.

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District 13
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a sence of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.


Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a sence of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.
Rivals also has the best Co-Owner


Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a sence of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.

Well written top MCSG clans! I how you divided into different groups and set them to certain ranks in that group. That was actually a good Idea.

Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a sence of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.
Rivals also have BulletBK heard the kid's a scrub (jk he's a tank u randies)
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a sence of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.
I like the list in general, but I would like to know how we are cocky? Not trying to cause flame but I a lot of people say this but no one has explained xD


Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a sence of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.
Jcc is not leader, if he was I wouldn't join...


District 13
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
I separated clans into three different groups from best to worst, and ranked them within their groups.

Group 1 – The top 2 clans on mcsg.

1. Forgotten: Ok. So… Forgotten is the first clan that comes to mind, when you say “Best Clan.” Now, Everyone knows that but I want to state my opinion on why. They have the teamwork, because they have loyalty to the clan and each other, they have the skill, from practice and talent and finally, they have the leadership in Soul. If you were to put all of that together, you get the most well rounded clan on Mcsg. That is why they are unanimously known as the #1 clan. Soul

2. Rebels: Ok, It seems as if people have lost a since of understanding when it comes to the rebels. This clan still consists of the teamwork that it had 3 or 4 months ago, just because they lost 1-2 members, does not mean that their communication, which is practically based off one to another, is gone. They still have the teamwork, and seriousness that they always have had. I can not possibly see as too why anyone would think that they worse now, They have the same teamwork and skill level as they had it 2 months ago. I can not see any reason to put them lower than 2, so that is why they are here, sitting at 2. It is due to their skill level, teamwork, organization and communication, that is why they are at #2. Jccandfriends Also because JCC is the best rebel leader of all time.

Group 2 – This group can contend with group 1, and they are about even with each other.

1. Prod: Prod is one hell of clan, although they can be cocky at times, they are rightful in doing so, they have proven themselves on numerous accounts. They have the skill and teamwork, the question is, How long can they keep it up for?

1. Rival: Greatest leader of all time.

1. Salvation: Although there are those who view them as unfair, and as if they have a bad rep. Than you don’t know them, Yes, they may have gone around the rules in our clan battle, but they showed respect and owned up to it, where as other clans would not. They have some unbelievably nice people in there, and all of you, if you haven’t aready, should get to know them more. In addition, Tru is a very, good leader. They have the skill and teamwork to be within the clans of Group 2.

2. Vanguard: Again, a great clan, however I do feel as if they are sometimes inconsistent. When they are playing their best they can compete with just about everyone, and when they are not, it is not pretty. Their teamwork is great, and the clan itself is very organized, and very well-run.

3. (Trivium) I know nothing about this clan, I understand that their roster is great, but until I see them play, I cant say anything about them, because all I would be doing is making assumptions, but based on roster, they have a top2/top3 Roster. I have yet to even scrim them, so I know absolutely nothing about them, However due to their roster I will be putting them in Group 2.

Group 3: These are the final tier of clans, A bit less known mostly underrated, and “up-and-coming clans.” Also, a group of not only good at PvP, but Also, very well Organized.

1. Purge: This clan is very well-organized, and very active, which is very important for this stage of the clan, Hopefully these guys will show their bright side in Clan wars.

2. The Organization: Also a very well run, and strategic clan. As long as this clan keeps making a push I think that it will takeoff and gain some seriously great members.

3. Vindictive. I think that this clan, in the long run, will find a path to greatness, they may not be there just yet, but hopefully it will be soon, with a great leader in Snivy, and a well rounded clan, it could do quite well.

Others -
1. Insidious.
1. Excell. Both of these clans are great but I feel as if they can sometimes be hard to cooperate with, The skill is there but they are need to roughen out the edges in cooperation, organization and respect.
I find this awfully insulting that you would say we are hard to cooperate with. Just because we did not agree with you doesn't mean anything. If anything, it would be the other way around, seeing as I got banned from your Ts and was rudely interrupted on several occasions.

Your statements above are hypocritical. You state that Trivium is not higher due to the fact they haven't battled, And you would only be making assumptions if you did put them higher. Yet, Vindictive finds their way into a "Group 3" spot by having "potential".


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
I find this awfully insulting that you would say we are hard to cooperate with. Just because we did not agree with you doesn't mean anything. If anything, it would be the other way around, seeing as I got banned from your Ts and was rudely interrupted on several occasions.

Your statements above are hypocritical. You state that Trivium is not higher due to the fact they haven't battled, And you would only be making assumptions if you did put them higher. Yet, Vindictive finds their way into a "Group 3" spot by having "potential".
It's his opinion xD
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