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Top US MCSG Clans.

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May 4, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, first of all, grow up. Second of all, just because you played in the battle with Forgotten that they won, and didn't play the one where they lost, does not mean that you were the winning factor at all. It was completely coincidence. Not to mention the fact that they had Soul to lead them in the first battle and not the second. Sure you may have gotten a few kills, but if you weren't there someone else would have gotten the kills. You're not some kind of godly legend of PvP that you claim to be. Thirdly, The Forgotten have beaten the Rebels twice on the MCSG servers, not many times, and both of which were unfair towards the Rebels and called off. The Rebels refused to play due to problems with the server and the battle was called off, with Forgotten taking the victory anyway. You don't even know your facts. Plus, not only did the Rebels rarely scrim Forgotten, but when we did they were very close, with Forgotten only slightly taking the lead every time. Just because you were in the clan for like a week just to be in the clan wars then clan hop to the next 40 clans does not mean you know anything, because clearly you don't. Sorry for the flame, and I will remove this if necessary, but your many posts about this have been irritating me. Have a nice day giraffe.
You clearly don't remember, at watt lagged out,bowhoo died,and so did frog,it was a 7v10.Now I think me rushing in and killing 5 Rebs to make it a 7v5 was pretty big,but you can continue crying,because the rings on my finger shining


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
You clearly don't remember, at watt lagged out,bowhoo died,and so did frog,it was a 7v10.Now I think me rushing in and killing 5 Rebs to make it a 7v5 was pretty big,but you can continue crying,because the rings on my finger shining
I lagged out kosmish rushed because she had to leave and tomersch and omega moon died early 6-7 my brans two rings shine brighter btw


District 13
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
You clearly don't remember, at watt lagged out,bowhoo died,and so did frog,it was a 7v10.Now I think me rushing in and killing 5 Rebs to make it a 7v5 was pretty big,but you can continue crying,because the rings on my finger shining
*collecting dust. Ya know, because it's so old :p But seriously there's nothing good that will come out of arguing about the past. Swag, I understand you did amazing, but you need to let it go. You don't want to be that one guy that holds onto the past. You always say how good you are but why is it that you need to refer to something a year ago. Was that your only achievement? Everyone should just drop any topic before this post and just move forward. Alright? :p One final word to swag, please don't get a thread that many people like to look at locked okay? Thanks :)


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
I love how they used 3 people from the clan battle roster and we beat you the first time around.
Reily, like I said, ignore it don't cause more flame, and just don't.... I agree, and understand, don't worry.
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