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How to do a Teamspeak 3!


Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
This guide not only goes out to new players, but those who have not used the MCSG Teamspeak.

Hello guys!
I made this thread on the fact that more than half of the players of MCSG have not used the Teamspeak 3 service provided free to everyone. (Now i sound like a marketing agent xD). So, i'm going to do my best to explain the basics, and advanced parts of Teamspeak 3, and more specifically, the MCSG channels.

Downloading Teamspeak 3:
If you don't have it already, you can download Teamspeak 3 from http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads. Once you're there, find your operating device (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or Android) and then download it via either of the mirrors (They both download it the same). Once you've done this, you're ready to go :)

Setting up Teamspeak 3:
To set up Teamspeak 3, go to the 'Settings' tab at the top of the screen. Then, click setup wizard. It should greet you with a setup message. Click 'Next' once you're ready. The first setting is how you want to appear on Teamspeak 3 channels, also known as a 'Nickname.' You can change this at any time. Currently, mine is simply 'DaPieHD,' but you can make it anything you want. It is much prefered if it relates to your ingame name, so people can recognise you. Once you've done that, click 'Next.' The next setup question is about how you want your voice to be heard. There are 2 options: Voice Activation Detection, and Push To Talk. With Voice Activation Detection, your microphone will pick up your voice and send it to all in your channel when your microphone picks up sound (Note- If you have a lot of background noise, this is not recommended). The second option, Push To Talk, sends your voice out to those in your channel when you push a customisable button on your keyboard. Once you've done that, click 'Next.' The next setup step is testing your microphone. Press 'Begin Test' and talk. If the multicoloured bar goes over the halfway point, that means your microphone is good to go. If you can hear an echo, then put in headphones. Most people on Teamspeak 3 do not tolerated echoing. Once you've done that, click 'Next.' The next part of the setup is choosing keybinds for your speaker mute and microphone mute. It's quite simple- When your speaker is muted, you can't hear anything, and when your microphone is muted, your voice will not be picked up. Once you've done that, click 'Next.' The final step in setup is choosing your voice pack. You can pick from a girl voice, or a boy voice. This is used for when the app says things like 'Server group assigned,' and 'Channel switched,' etc. Now, click 'Next.' and you are done. Click 'Finish,' and move onto the next step.

Joining the MCSG teamspeak:
Click the 'Connections' tab at the top of your screen. Click 'Connect' (You can automatically do this by pressing command and S). For Server Address, type in 'ts.mcsg.in' if you type in anything else, it WILL NOT WORK. You can switch your nickname now if you want. Leave the 'Server Password' box empty, as it is unnecessary for joining this network. Onto the next step!

Joining a channel:
There are alot of channels to choose from. From In-game channels, to custom channels where people can just chill out, it's a very great experience to make new friends. You will most likely see alot of people in the 'Staff AFK' channel. These are all staff members who devote their time to moderating the MCSG servers. If you need help, poke them by right clicking their name and left clicking 'Poke.' If you want to have a good time and chillax, i would suggest joining Ling's Lounge. Their are, at most times, alot of cool people there that you can make friends with. If you want to talk about the game, or are in a game, join the 'Ingame (Your region here).'

These are just the basics. If you need help, there are alot of people in Teamspeak who will help (Try the Moderator chat).

Thanks for your time!


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
Nice guide, I've had TS downloaded for a while now, but I've never bothered to learn how to use it, thanks :)

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