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Exodus | US Team

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District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Alright, I would like to start this off by saying that this clan has been very fun for me. I've never held a clan that grew so big. The amount of applications we recieved was crazy. I've made some really good friends and I'm never going to forget that. I would like to inform you all that this clan is shutting down due to irl issues. I can't dedicate any hours to support this clan, I know it sucks.. but I choose school, family, friends over minecraft. I appreciate all clients that applied and gave #Exodus a shot, that really meant a lot to me. I would like to conclude this by giving my final thoughts on SOME members!

MinedAndCrafted5 - Amazing officer/leader. Couldn't ask for a more mature leader, thanks for being here with me <3

TopBandit - Love you bro! You were like my best friend in this clan who always had my back, I won't forget you :(

MLGMajestic - Your an amazing bow spammer who has the best accent ever. Love you dude!

Mendoza510 - Holy man, your too funny. Thanks for being here bro.. I'll always remember you ;)

BacccaPlaysMC - Best laugh ever, but loudest keyboard! Still my fav :)

AfroNinja - Softest voice and biggest troll! Thanks for sticking around bro!!!!!

I'm sorry if I forgot to mention you, but keep in mind, I will always remember you all! Thanks for being in #Exodus. <3 <3

Liam | JennoKoala, please lock this thread, CLAN DISBANNED!

Goodbye to all <3 <3 <3
April fools?


Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Status: Recruiting
Minecraft IGN: SoNotJustin / SellingJustin
Age: 13
Wins: 103 and 600+ on sellingjustin
Games Played: 237
Donor: yes
Skype name: sellingjustin
Timezone: eastern
PvP strengths: Bow, fns
PvP weaknesses: Hackers
Past Clans: #Fallen and #Growth
Why would you like to be part of #Exodus?: Listen guys I am soo srry for ditching you guys I know it is a second time but i seriously appoligize
If i could make a pledge I would, I promise to never leave again I was a dousche to you guys and I appoligize to all the Elites, And espically you Parwez <3
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