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Dont let the hate get to you :)


Apr 29, 2015
Reaction score
For those who are competitive pvpers (all of us) who are not doing as well as you think you should be here are some mental tips that could benefit you not only in-game but in real life as well ;).

Keep your chill game at 100%: If you can stay at a calm/humble level all the time whilst playing you can play continuously and competitively while not getting mad at the game. (translation: You wont rage quit and say you will quit mcsg :p)

Realize whats what: Remember, this is a game. What do you do when playing a game? Have Fun! don't let something like a single or multiple death(s) bring you down from your happiness. (Example: IF you die just laugh it off, it works really well.)

Take breaks: When i say "take breaks" I don't mean go play badlion or something. I mean go outside, admire the beauty that is outdoors, I personally go outside and look at the clouds.

I know that these are pretty basic things to say to someone raging but i feel like the people need to be reminded that this will always just be a game,
A really,really,really,fun game.

Have a good day/night
Your Ally MovieBuster

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