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Build Team Application Template and FAQ

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Mapping Team Lead
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
Please find below the template you must use to apply for the MCGamer build team (The Game Makers). Copy and paste the template into a new thread below and fill in the questions with as much detail as you can. Applications are processed by build team and mapping management. If your application is successful you will receive a message on either the forums, discord or your email inbox inviting you to complete a trial build on our server under a certain theme. Completing this trial build (meeting out standards) will complete your application.
You can apply for multiple positions in the team, however if you do, your trial build must demonstrate all aspects of your application. EG, if you are applying for builder and terraformer, your trial build must show your skills in both.
Note: You MUST include images of your past work as a builder in order to be considered. If you do not provide any examples of your previous work, your application will be denied.

=-=-=-=-=-=Application Format=-=-=-=-=-=-

What is your full name?

What is your Minecraft IGN? (Include any alt accounts)

What is your Date of Birth?

What is your email?

What is your Discord name? (Please include the whole name EG: Username#1234)

What timezone are you located in? (EU, NA, OCE, AS)

What position(s) are you applying for? (Builder, Terraformer, Redstoner)

Have you worked as part of a build team before? If yes, please list them and describe your role in those teams.

Please provide examples of your past work in your area of expertise (in an imgur album)

Why do you want to be a part of our team?

Do you have experience using World Edit and/or Voxel Sniper?

Are you currently a part of any other build teams?

If you answered yes above, please list it.

Do you understand that everything you build when on the build team server is property of MCGamer, and may not be taken/used anywhere else?

Do you understand that all of MCGamers rules apply on the build team server/discord, and a breach of of those may result in removal from the team and consequences on the network?

Have you ever been banned or muted on the MCGamer network for any reason?

Do you like cats?


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