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Chrome | US

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May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry to say this, but I am leaving Chrome. I enjoyed my time here, but there are only few active members, and even then, most of the time I get bored really fast, I love this clan, and you guys, but I don't fit right here. I wish you good luck in your future endeavors and hope you guys become an elite clan.



Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
It's not cool. Stop acting like you're above everyone. I'm an officer too, and you have no privilege to even ignore my post against your app. I may not have the rank to accept or decline officer applications, but I do have the power to point out anything in your application that will effect towards your chances. Instead of saying "K cool." You should say thanks because you didn't even follow the application. I'm trying to help you out, and your completely ignoring me and waiting until alpha responds. That isn't something you want to do, how about instead of getting declined, you look over your application and ask for what do you think is wrong. Next time, I won't point out anything that is wrong with your application. You're just waiting to hearth easier from alpha when you should be focusing on the fact that you didn't even meet the requirements. I won't be there to help you next time, so try to proof read or ask for help from other officers instead of ignoring them to the fullest.


May 24, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Baccacity12 ( I hate Bacca's so much... You have no idea.)
Wins? (Be Honest): 159
Age?: 14
Do you have Skype and TS?: I have both.
Skype Username (You can PM me it): x12DAVIDO12x
Does your Mic work? Yes. I have a blue snowball.
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: I teamed with Regal in #KillAlpha (I regret it every day).
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Fishing Rod, FnS.
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Parkour to get away.
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: As much time as you need me to. I can play on weekends and weekdays.
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes.

I've also been a long time subscriber Alpha. Your flippin hilarious. Keep up the great work!

Thanks, Baccacity12


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Chaoskyurem2
Wins: 295/1219
Age: 13
Do you have Skype and TS: I have and prefer Skype.
Does your Mic work: No, but my Skype still works without it.
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers: Yes, I have teamed with Zremyx several times in the past.
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Fishing rods, running, waterbattles
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Getting lit on fire and teams of 3+
How much time will you dedicate to our clan: As much time as I can without interfering with my schoolwork
Do you agree with the rules of this clan: Yes, I agree with your clan's rules.


Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Chaoskyurem2
Wins: 295/1219
Age: 13
Do you have Skype and TS: I have and prefer Skype.
Does your Mic work: No, but my Skype still works without it.
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers: Yes, I have teamed with Zremyx several times in the past.
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Fishing rods, running, waterbattles
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Getting lit on fire and teams of 3+
How much time will you dedicate to our clan: As much time as I can without interfering with my schoolwork
Do you agree with the rules of this clan: Yes, I agree with your clan's rules.
Accepted Rank: gamma close enough

btw we need your skype name


Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Baccacity12 ( I hate Bacca's so much... You have no idea.)
Wins? (Be Honest): 159
Age?: 14
Do you have Skype and TS?: I have both.
Skype Username (You can PM me it): x12DAVIDO12x
Does your Mic work? Yes. I have a blue snowball.
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?: I teamed with Regal in #KillAlpha (I regret it every day).
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Fishing Rod, FnS.
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses: Parkour to get away.
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?: As much time as you need me to. I can play on weekends and weekdays.
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?: Yes.

I've also been a long time subscriber Alpha. Your flippin hilarious. Keep up the great work!

Thanks, Baccacity12
Accepted! Omega!
It's not cool. Stop acting like you're above everyone. I'm an officer too, and you have no privilege to even ignore my post against your app. I may not have the rank to accept or decline officer applications, but I do have the power to point out anything in your application that will effect towards your chances. Instead of saying "K cool." You should say thanks because you didn't even follow the application. I'm trying to help you out, and your completely ignoring me and waiting until alpha responds. That isn't something you want to do, how about instead of getting declined, you look over your application and ask for what do you think is wrong. Next time, I won't point out anything that is wrong with your application. You're just waiting to hearth easier from alpha when you should be focusing on the fact that you didn't even meet the requirements. I won't be there to help you next time, so try to proof read or ask for help from other officers instead of ignoring them to the fullest.
You're right. RC, you should take every opportunity you get, it'll make your life eaiser.


May 25, 2013
Reaction score

Wins? (Be Honest):161
Do you have Skype and TS?Skype yes.
Skype Username (You can PM me it):BladeNSoulakachris
Does your Mic work?Yes
Have you teamed with the Owner or any Officers?:Yes, erinexnox i think
PvP and MCSG Strengths: Fishing rod tactics, Bow, Sword block hit
PvP and MCSG Weaknesses:pushed by a fishing rod, and fire.
How much time will you dedicate to our clan?:Everyday
Do you agree with the rules of this clan?:Yes.
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