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Divine {NA Division}

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Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: My IGN is ThunderClunder.
Wins: I have 291 wins.
Past Clans: The first clan I was in was called #Corrupt. I left because it didn't have much clan battles and scrims and didn't have a teamspeak. Then I joined The Prevail which made a new clan called Cryptonic which made a new clan called The Amibitious which merged with ArtOfPVP. The reason why I left is because I didn't participate in any clan battles. After that I joined Renegades. I left because it was very immature. Then I joined Reflection. I left because the members were mean to me. After that, I joined Protocal. I got kicked for being inactive even though I was on break. Lastly I joined Synergy. The reason for leaving was inactivity and stupid decisions. Sorry if I forgot to mention some clans. I forgot them if I didn't mention them.
PvP Strengths: I am very strong with the sword. I am very good with strafing and get critical hits. And I usually get a lot of combos. Next is the fishing rod. I usually get a three or two hit combo with the sword when I use it so I think I am decent with it. I usually proceed to use the flint and steel in fight and when I run away so I think I am decent with it.
PvP Weaknesses: I am not good with the bow unless the person who I am shooting moves in a obvious pattern. I usually can't fight a team of four and I can't fight hackers.
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): My skype is thunderclunder.
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: I am looking for a clan that is active and skilled. And the ones I've been though haven't been that active. Also I know some friends in this awesome clan. I know I say this a lot but I think I will be in this clan for a while.
Best rubber ducky picture:


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: My IGN is ThunderClunder.
Wins: I have 291 wins.
Past Clans: The first clan I was in was called #Corrupt. I left because it didn't have much clan battles and scrims and didn't have a teamspeak. Then I joined The Prevail which made a new clan called Cryptonic which made a new clan called The Amibitious which merged with ArtOfPVP. The reason why I left is because I didn't participate in any clan battles. After that I joined Renegades. I left because it was very immature. Then I joined Reflection. I left because the members were mean to me. After that, I joined Protocal. I got kicked for being inactive even though I was on break. Lastly I joined Synergy. The reason for leaving was inactivity and stupid decisions. Sorry if I forgot to mention some clans. I forgot them if I didn't mention them.
PvP Strengths: I am very strong with the sword. I am very good with strafing and get critical hits. And I usually get a lot of combos. Next is the fishing rod. I usually get a three or two hit combo with the sword when I use it so I think I am decent with it. I usually proceed to use the flint and steel in fight and when I run away so I think I am decent with it.
PvP Weaknesses: I am not good with the bow unless the person who I am shooting moves in a obvious pattern. I usually can't fight a team of four and I can't fight hackers.
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated): My skype is thunderclunder.
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: I am looking for a clan that is active and skilled. And the ones I've been though haven't been that active. Also I know some friends in this awesome clan. I know I say this a lot but I think I will be in this clan for a while.
Best rubber ducky picture:
Accepted get on ts NOW


Mar 21, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: xXCarterHDXx
Wins: 1k (With Alts)
Past Clans: ArtOfPvP, Reflection, Vintage, blah blah blah
PvP Strengths: Rod, Strafing, Bow, FnS
PvP Weaknesses: Ping D:
Skype ID(MSG Gears if you wish to not have it publicly stated):
Reasons for why you wish to join Divine: I would like to join Divine because Mr_Gears is hot and it just seems like an amazing clan.
Best rubber ducky picture:
^ To cocky.


Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Funny, considering the whole TS was talking about both of them, I wasn't the only one being cocky at that moment.
no... no one was talking about beating Bullet and Ian. Just you, we were talking about trying to get them both in Reflection...


Aug 25, 2014
Reaction score
You know, it really pisses me off people taking me down. Whenever I do such a slight thing like kill someone and I feel proud of myself I just can't enjoy the moment.
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