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Best Ratio's of MCSG


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
1) Alt is a wrong term to use in this situation. "New Main" would be a better term.
2) Even on his old main, he had a 59% ratio
3) These days, CA is much harder to win on compared to US.
4) I find little difference between high US and low US servers to be honest; they seem to be the same difficulty to win on.
5) He isn't donor; he probably can't get into the low numbered servers with all the donors.
6) He gets 60-90ms to US, which is much worse than many other players that live near the west coast.
7) He apparently also plays on EU fairly often, which he most likely gets worse ping, yet still manages to win.
lol first off, if its not the original account you played on when you started mcsg, then its not your main. Mattaldridge was also not his original account either xD. I asked around lol.

I've played on US and CA, high ca servers almost never fill up, unless its like friday or saturday lol, which means hes more than likely playing in servers with around half the amount of players.

My ping is like... 135 on a good day lol. Thats on US which is where i'm from. I played over a year on EU when i first joined mcsg and I had over 200 ping lol. I remember playing EU late at night.. if you didn't play the higher servers lke 1-30, you could get in games with nothing but noobs xD. I also know that on US.. if I go to there super high servers, you find maybe 1-2 donors MAX and its typically easy wins if you play. Playing low servers like.. 1-50.. there is at least 6-7 donors everytime xD. Typically donors are decent players.


Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
lol first off, if its not the original account you played on when you started mcsg, then its not your main. Mattaldridge was also not his original account either xD. I asked around lol.

I've played on US and CA, high ca servers almost never fill up, unless its like friday or saturday lol, which means hes more than likely playing in servers with around half the amount of players.

My ping is like... 135 on a good day lol. Thats on US which is where i'm from. I played over a year on EU when i first joined mcsg and I had over 200 ping lol. I remember playing EU late at night.. if you didn't play the higher servers lke 1-30, you could get in games with nothing but noobs xD. I also know that on US.. if I go to there super high servers, you find maybe 1-2 donors MAX and its typically easy wins if you play. Playing low servers like.. 1-50.. there is at least 6-7 donors everytime xD. Typically donors are decent players.
You obviously have different definitions of the word alt and main than I. A main account is the account you use the most while an alt is one you use for different, specific side purposes I.e. scrims, tryharding, screwing around. Obviously your definitions are different.

Of those smaller amount of people, they are more skilled than the people you'd find on US. I think it'd be easier to win a game with like 4 decent players+20 randys (US) compared to like 8 decent players+6 randies. Plus, I find more teams of decent players on CA, as it is such a small community that everyone knows each other.

Congrats, your ping is much worse comparative to people who are considered good at PvP (lovelights, sixzoseven, etc.) who get like 20ms ping.

Actually, I've found a significant portion of the recent flood of donors to have like 1/20 ratios or something similar. I also find it similar difficulty to win on high US compared to low US servers; apparently our experiences differ for whatever reason.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
You obviously have different definitions of the word alt and main than I. A main account is the account you use the most while an alt is one you use for different, specific side purposes I.e. scrims, tryharding, screwing around. Obviously your definitions are different.

Of those smaller amount of people, they are more skilled than the people you'd find on US. I think it'd be easier to win a game with like 4 decent players+20 randys (US) compared to like 8 decent players+6 randies. Plus, I find more teams of decent players on CA, as it is such a small community that everyone knows each other.

Congrats, your ping is much worse comparative to people who are considered good at PvP (lovelights, sixzoseven, etc.) who get like 20ms ping.

Actually, I've found a significant portion of the recent flood of donors to have like 1/20 ratios or something similar. I also find it similar difficulty to win on high US compared to low US servers; apparently our experiences differ for whatever reason.
Lol I'm not sure what games you are playing on US, but when I play on servers 1-50, there is normally always at least 6-10 decent players in the game. Normally most of them are teaming. CA I do agree has larger teams since everyone knows eachother there and are friends, but I'd have to say that when mr_smaha plays there, they prob offer to team with him like the times I played there lol. Also, not sure what donors you are looking at, but I rarely see many platinum/diamond donors who are 1/20 lol. Maybe 1/10, but I run into great players all the time on low US servers.

As far as alt accounts go, alt means alternate, which means "taking the place of". An alt account is an account that takes the place of another account. So therefore, an alt account is something that replaced the original account.

I will end this convo now b4 it turns into some sort of rage thing tho :). <3 nice debating with you.


Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
Lol I'm not sure what games you are playing on US, but when I play on servers 1-50, there is normally always at least 6-10 decent players in the game. Normally most of them are teaming. CA I do agree has larger teams since everyone knows eachother there and are friends, but I'd have to say that when mr_smaha plays there, they prob offer to team with him like the times I played there lol. Also, not sure what donors you are looking at, but I rarely see many platinum/diamond donors who are 1/20 lol. Maybe 1/10, but I run into great players all the time on low US servers.

As far as alt accounts go, alt means alternate, which means "taking the place of". An alt account is an account that takes the place of another account. So therefore, an alt account is something that replaced the original account.

I will end this convo now b4 it turns into some sort of rage thing tho :). <3 nice debating with you.
I'll end this on one final note: Mr_Smaha doesn't boost; ask anyone that plays with him. He plays solo and teams occasionally, just like any other player. His teammates are usually pretty good at the game also (I.e. Zarmax5, PancakeKojo, crazycarla152). At the very least, he has to be a skilled pvper to achieve the stats that he has.


Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Oh my god. For the last time! Mr_Smaha is not an alt! It's my main! There was never one point in time where I had access to MattAldridge and Mr_Smaha at the same time! And reven, what was my "first account" ? Hmmm?


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
Uhm..@TechnoTundra with 11/13 wins?

EDIT- Over 100 wins. nvm.


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
From experience, CA is 1000 times harder to win on compared to US.
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
You're a sad case, maddy. I remember when you were actually cool xD

And no, I won't 'mind my own buisness', he broke the rules, and he deserves to be punished for it, simple.
Kid you got banned 8 times for disrespecting staff

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