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US Clan Leaderboards

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District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Too bad it's not official :/.
Then staff should put some thought into something so big (not just the topic of pinning a thread, but clan endorsement in general). These forums are driven by one thing: the community. Without them, these forums would be obsolete. I don't understand why an extremely popular community driven thread can't be pinned just because the thread topic isn't 100% endorsed by upper staff. It's a small task to pin a thread, but well worth it to pin a pretty popular and important post in the most popular forum area. I don't even participate in clans, but I still find it interesting to see what clans are on top.


District 13
Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
Then staff should put some thought into something so big (not just the topic of pinning a thread, but clan endorsement in general). These forums are driven by one thing: the community. Without them, these forums would be obsolete. I don't understand why an extremely popular community driven thread can't be pinned just because the thread topic isn't 100% endorsed by upper staff. It's a small task to pin a thread, but well worth it to pin a pretty popular and important post in the most popular forum area. I don't even participate in clans, but I still find it interesting to see what clans are on top.
The community here as changed completely ever since the beginning of these forums. But you're completely correct though, the community is ran by the forums. I think this thread should be pinned or some-what should be noticed, but apparently it isn't worthy enough to be pinned.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Then staff should put some thought into something so big (not just the topic of pinning a thread, but clan endorsement in general). These forums are driven by one thing: the community. Without them, these forums would be obsolete. I don't understand why an extremely popular community driven thread can't be pinned just because the thread topic isn't 100% endorsed by upper staff. It's a small task to pin a thread, but well worth it to pin a pretty popular and important post in the most popular forum area. I don't even participate in clans, but I still find it interesting to see what clans are on top.
I think you're right in the sense that the community drives the forms, however like Andy had stated, the staff has definitely decided to structure things more. This definitely had its benefits, although community run threads might have to go through a more vigorous process to be stickied nowadays.
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