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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
THIS IS FROM CIZZLE1 AKA IAN. HIS FORUM ACCOUNT I BROKEN, THAT IS WHY I POSTED IT. xD (Even if he makes a new account it still doesn't work)

• 1. Wins / Games played: I have 2 accounts, TheCizzler in which I use this account for fun and do not play competitively, and Cizzle1 in which I play competitively. On TheCizzler I have 150/600 and on Cizzle1 I have 1340/3557
• 2. Residence (country): Ireland
• 3. Your Skype (PM if needed): eoinjoconnor
• 4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because I see a huge amount of skilled players in which I would like to cooperate with
• 5. Why should we accept you: I think you should accept me mainly because of my personality and also my skill level
• 6. How will you benefit this clan: I hope to bring a great amount of laughter and technique in PvP to the clan.
• 7. How active are you: I'm usually active at least once everyday but in July I might not be there as often because of holidays etc..
• 8. Do you meet the requirements: Yes
• 9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: None
• 10. Have you teamed with the members before: XXJessuH09
• 11. Past clan experience: I am originally a NaughtyBoys clan member but seeing as we dont do clan battles anymore I took my interest to EndGamers
• 12. Will you leave during the first month or two: I dont know
• 13. Will you keep your word :) : As best I can :)
• 14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): I really dont mind what rank I get :)
• 15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: It wont bother me if I get delined
• 16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: With the Sword I'm usually accurate with every hit and my click speed is quite fast, With the Rod i like to spam my opponent keeping them away until I can make my attack, With the Flint And Steel I'm usually quite aggressive and will place it before I attack but I dont overuse/rely on it, With the Bow I like to fully charge them most of the time but if I have unlimited arrows e.g 64 stack I try to bowspam.
• 17. Any additional information: N/a


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
THIS IS FROM CIZZLE1 AKA IAN. HIS FORUM ACCOUNT I BROKEN, THAT IS WHY I POSTED IT. xD (Even if he makes a new account it still doesn't work)

• 1. Wins / Games played: I have 2 accounts, TheCizzler in which I use this account for fun and do not play competitively, and Cizzle1 in which I play competitively. On TheCizzler I have 150/600 and on Cizzle1 I have 1340/3557
• 2. Residence (country): Ireland
• 3. Your Skype (PM if needed): eoinjoconnor
• 4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because I see a huge amount of skilled players in which I would like to cooperate with
• 5. Why should we accept you: I think you should accept me mainly because of my personality and also my skill level
• 6. How will you benefit this clan: I hope to bring a great amount of laughter and technique in PvP to the clan.
• 7. How active are you: I'm usually active at least once everyday but in July I might not be there as often because of holidays etc..
• 8. Do you meet the requirements: Yes
• 9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: None
• 10. Have you teamed with the members before: XXJessuH09
• 11. Past clan experience: I am originally a NaughtyBoys clan member but seeing as we dont do clan battles anymore I took my interest to EndGamers
• 12. Will you leave during the first month or two: I dont know
• 13. Will you keep your word :) : As best I can :)
• 14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): I really dont mind what rank I get :)
• 15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: It wont bother me if I get delined
• 16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: With the Sword I'm usually accurate with every hit and my click speed is quite fast, With the Rod i like to spam my opponent keeping them away until I can make my attack, With the Flint And Steel I'm usually quite aggressive and will place it before I attack but I dont overuse/rely on it, With the Bow I like to fully charge them most of the time but if I have unlimited arrows e.g 64 stack I try to bowspam.
• 17. Any additional information: N/a
Accepted for Trials C:
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District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
I have no certain interest in joining Endgamers again. So I feel like that was really uneeded. This came as soon as I was honost about what I feel about Teku. Pretty sad in my opinion. It's just really uneeded. You've already told me multiple times that I wont ever get accepted again.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
I have no certain interest in joining Endgamers again. So I feel like that was really uneeded. This came as soon as I was honost about what I feel about Teku. Pretty sad in my opinion. It's just really uneeded. You've already told me multiple times that I wont ever get accepted again.
I don't think I've told you that multiple times :/
And what do you mean with 'honest what I feel.' If you were referring to the skype messages you sent me, I'll be honest about having absolutely no feeling towards them whatsoever, I find it sad if people get offended by an on-line stranger, but that's my opinion.
Only reason I have it is I've been wanting to put it there for a while, as we have multiple people who are blacklisted that we've already forgotten. So as you can tell, their only purpose is a serving list. If it offends you that much, I could move it to a later post, but either way, it would serve the same purpose to us :)
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Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Guys we're ONE PAGE away from the amount of pages we had on the old thread



Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, you have served me well over the time I've been here. But I'm afraid It's time. Sadly....you need to goml
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