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#Instinct - AU Clan

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Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: RedMarzBarz_
Age: 12 turning 13 :)
Wins / Total Games: 88/976 (1/11.08 ratio) and another 87 on my older bro's account that I played on when I was a total noob... so basically 174 games won. :)
Skype username: RedMarzBarz_
Game rank: 16048.
Past MCSG ban: None. :D
Past MCSG clans: #Psywave, #Oracle, #Tonic
Particular strengths that stand out for you: Melee PvP and strafing, not particularly good with the rod though... :( Also I can click fast.
The reasons for wanting to join: Cause legosean is swegalicious. :3 But seriously it's cause the past clans I've been in are extremely inactive...
Hope you consider my app legosean, I'd be proud even is I made it into trial. :p <3
Hello RedMarzBarz_,

I'm glad to inform you that you have been accepted for a TRIAL. Please add thefallenmcsg or legosean9 on Skype for your trial.

IGN: ParticleMC
Age: 15
Wins / Total Games: 182 wins to about 1500 games (i play for pvp but im starting to gun fo' dem wins)
Skype username: maxsceats101
Game rank: I think around 6000
Past MCSG ban: 1 with successful dispute, 1 with pending dispute. none for hacking or related.
Past MCSG clans: Arson, Faze Optic, roddarz.
Particular strengths that stand out for you: Good team player. good at taking out teams, very tactical player, good at close quarters combat.
The reasons for wanting to join: big legosean fan :D wanna join a clan that has a good balance between competitiveness and fun :)

I'll be a cheerleader if I'm rejected c;
Hello ParticleMC,

I'm glad to inform you that you have been accepted for a TRIAL. Please add thefallenmcsg or legosean9 on Skype for your trial.
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