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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age:13
2) Your In-Game Name:EyadZx and Annadebnam(Old account with very bad stats)
3) Your Skype (PM if needed):sickness.abbarah
4) Wins/Games played:EyadZx(97/420 i think)
5) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10):I think im a 7
6) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc:Well it depends on the player im facing.If he is overgeared than me ill play really defensively but if im overgeared ill just go for him.In clan wars i play really defensively so i dont die and make my team lose the clan war
b) Your strengths:
Fishing rod- Im really accurate with the rod and i can use it perfectly to my advantage
Sword - I am decent with my sword cause i can get double hits all the times because of how fast i can click.I can strafe really good aswell.
Teamwork- When it comes to teamwork i work really good with my partner. I always listen to the leader and stick around him and i never disobey his orders
c) Your weaknesses:
The Bow- Im really bad with the bow cause i never seem to know which way the opponent is gonna go.
Water fights- I suck at water fights and i dont know why im so bad at it. If im full iron and go into a water fight with a full leather i always seem to die
7) Why are you applying for this particular clan:Well when i started playing mcsg this was the clan i wanted to join because of how good it is but i was really bad and didnt know anything about pvp. Now i am decent at it and i wanna take a shot of trying to join and hopefully get accepted for trial.
8) Why should we accept you: As i said in my strengths im really good at teamwork and that could help in clan wars. I am also a really nice person to talk to.
9) How will you benefit this clan: I am very royal and if i get accepted i will never leave this clan until it disbands.
10) How active are you: I am very active since i have no more school and i finished my exams.
11) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply):Yes i am.
12) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements:Well i dont meet the win requirement but i have a decent ratio so hopefully i get trial so i can prove myself worthy
Oath) I, Eyad agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age:13
2) Your In-Game Name:EyadZx and Annadebnam(Old account with very bad stats)
3) Your Skype (PM if needed):sickness.abbarah
4) Wins/Games played:EyadZx(97/420 i think)
5) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10):I think im a 7
6) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc:Well it depends on the player im facing.If he is overgeared than me ill play really defensively but if im overgeared ill just go for him.In clan wars i play really defensively so i dont die and make my team lose the clan war
b) Your strengths:
Fishing rod- Im really accurate with the rod and i can use it perfectly to my advantage
Sword - I am decent with my sword cause i can get double hits all the times because of how fast i can click.I can strafe really good aswell.
Teamwork- When it comes to teamwork i work really good with my partner. I always listen to the leader and stick around him and i never disobey his orders
c) Your weaknesses:
The Bow- Im really bad with the bow cause i never seem to know which way the opponent is gonna go.
Water fights- I suck at water fights and i dont know why im so bad at it. If im full iron and go into a water fight with a full leather i always seem to die
7) Why are you applying for this particular clan:Well when i started playing mcsg this was the clan i wanted to join because of how good it is but i was really bad and didnt know anything about pvp. Now i am decent at it and i wanna take a shot of trying to join and hopefully get accepted for trial.
8) Why should we accept you: As i said in my strengths im really good at teamwork and that could help in clan wars. I am also a really nice person to talk to.
9) How will you benefit this clan: I am very royal and if i get accepted i will never leave this clan until it disbands.
10) How active are you: I am very active since i have no more school and i finished my exams.
11) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply):Yes i am.
12) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements:Well i dont meet the win requirement but i have a decent ratio so hopefully i get trial so i can prove myself worthy
Oath) I, Eyad agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
I'm sorry to say you have been declined. I will message you the reason via skype.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
No credit for holding up the Teamspeak for you.. :(
No credit for leaving pointlessly.. -,-

We never knew you were 'holding it up,' we were waiting till it ran out.
If you wish to continue this conversation please contact me on skype or PM via the forums.

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